Why You Should Watch 'The Act' On Hulu | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Watch 'The Act' On Hulu

The perfect new show to start bingeing!


Based on true events of a mother-daughter relationship of Dee Dee (played by Patricia Arquette) and Gypsy Rose Blanchard (played by Joey King), this show currently has four out of the eight episodes streaming on Hulu, with a new episode out every Wednesday.

The true story is about a mother, Dee Dee who was stricken with fear when she believed that her young infant daughter, Gypsy was suffering from sleep apnea, but when the doctors revealed that it was false, Dee Dee believed that her daughter must have a chromosomal disorder.

At eight years old, Gypsy was in a motorcycle accident with her grandpa but had only had a minor injury to her knee, but Dee Dee had believed that it was more serious and decided that Gypsy was now bound to a wheelchair. After Dee Dee's parents became suspicious of Gypsy's condition, Dee Dee moved out of their house into an apartment where they lived on of disability checks.

In New Orleans, Dee Dee took Gypsy to the hospital and claimed that on top of her chromosomal disorder, Gypsy was also suffering from vision and hearing problems and that she was having seizures. Even though when tests came back negative, Dee Dee claimed it was the truth, so doctors decided to prescribe Gypsy with anti-seizure and generic main medication.

After hurricane Katrina, Dee Dee and Gypsy moved to Aurora, Missouri, where Habitat for Humanity had built them a house. This is the point where the show begins and you begin to experience the life of Gypsy and her mother. The show doesn't hide the fact that Gypsy's conditions are not real and that her mother has been the one to make her and the whole world believe that she is in fact, sick.

The story takes a turn when Gypsy begins to realize that she is actually 19-years-old, even though her mother had told her she was only 14, and that she actually is healthy. She begins walking and even eating sweets, even though her mother had told her that she was deathly allergic.

Once Gypsy learns that she is, in fact, a normal, healthy, teenager, she begins to stray away from her mother and tries to become more independent. To try and escape her mother's grasp, Gypsy begins sneaking and doing activities that her mother would never allow before, but to chain her back down, Dee Dee would explain that these were all delusions that her illnesses were creating. Gypsy had had enough of her mother's pressures and killed her with the help of her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn.

This an incredibly difficult show to watch since it's based on true events, but after watching four of the episodes, this show hooks you in to see what happens next. If you're looking for a new show to watch, I recommend this one!

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