Adulting (verb): The act of running errands and making responsible decisions opposed to choosing a more immature action. Someone who adults is almost an adult, but not quite there yet.
Adultingis a verb that can apply to anyone, but more so for people between the ages of 17 to 25. “To adult” is when someone uses their time wisely and takes care of their responsibilities. Here are some ways adulting can be used in a sentence.
“I was forced to adult when I had to choose between taking a nap and going grocery shopping before my night class.”
“Since moving into my first apartment, I didn’t realize how much adulting was necessary to live on my own.”
College students are the people who fall into the age where adulting is most applicable. College is a time where young adults all over the world learn how to live independently, mange time between work and school and have to start budgeting their money. A person does not automatically become an adult when they turn 18 or 21. Being an actual adult is when you can take care of yourself, in addition to being reliable for others to depend on as well.
It can be difficult to choose between going out with friends or studying for a test. However, college students are faced with these types of decisions on a daily basis.
I know I am not an adult. For example, I purposely left my apartment with no food before winter break because I rely on my mom taking me grocery shopping so I have food to bring back. Also, my parents still pay my cell phone bill and I am lucky enough to have a brother who lets me use his Netflix account.
On the other end of the spectrum, I managed to work multiple jobs this quarter and be a full-time student while learning to cook and pay utilities. College is a time for growth and self-discovery, but also a time to try new things and make mistakes. Most college students spend their days adulting and their nights acting like kids, which is OK because this is the age to take advantage of being both a child and an adult.
If I was asked to define an adult when I was younger I would say it is someone who drinks coffee, drives and has money. Now, I know an adult is a person who knows they're accountable for all of their actions and can make time to help others. It can be hard to find time as an adult in college, but adulting can be a great way to start taking initiative.