For all my sorority girls, I know you can relate...
A: Agenda
With everything going on in the chapter, most of us are carrying our agenda with us at all times. Who doesn’t love a girl that has her life together?
B: Bid Day
It’s the event to look forward to every year. It’s when we welcome back sisters that disaffiliated and celebrate our new sisters. If you have never seen a bid day take place, it’s probably as cheesy as you may think it is. There’s tears and everyone is screaming with joy, but to us it is very special.
C: Candle Pass
This exciting ceremony is a way in which a sister announces that she is engaged. Trust me, it's every sorority girl's dream to share this with her sisters.
D: Door Stack
Oh the famous door stack of recruitment. We’re all pressed up, screaming at the top of our lungs, shouting chants. Please don’t judge us PNMs.
E: Executive Committee
Though it is a big commitment, it is an experience you will always cherish.
F: Formal
The prom of college. It’s a night you may or may not remember.
G: Greek unity
Greek unity is very important. As Greek women, it is important to work with each other for not only your chapter but your school.
H: Hazing?
Many people think that all sororities haze. In fact, it scares most girls from going through recruitment. Hazing is simply stupid. I would hope that every girl knows that anybody that treats a sister with cruelty in such ways is not a true sister.
I: Initiation
A way in which members are brought into full membership. This is the most meaningful and special ceremony. It's something we will never forget.
J: Judicial
Every girl’s night mare. It’s nothing anyone wants apart of.
K: Know!!!
Knowing what goes on in your chapter is important. It’s important to know what you’re doing on what day, and what time you have to be there!
L: Little Sister(s)
Every sister simply meets her match in the chapter at some point. Big/Little is an inseparable bond that is unique in every way. Family over everything, always.
M: Memories
The memories you make with your sister are indescribable. You go through so much together as a chapter and
N: Naps
If you can find time to take a nap, save yourself because there is so much going on, always,
O: Opportunity
Being in a sorority means becoming something a better you. Serving for your chapter gives you the chance to make it the best.
P: Pledge Class
There is a group like no other. Together you learned and there is nothing that can break that bond.
Q: Quick Friendships
It truly is amazing how close you become to your sisters. The second you run to them on Bid Day they’re welcoming you into the sisterhood. I know I felt nervous as a new member, but I quickly realized how much I fit in with my sisters.
R: Recruitment
Recruitment is the most stressful time. You lack so much sleep and everyday has to be PERFECT!
S: Sorority Girl by Luke Bryan
There is no explaining this. It's everything. I’ll just leave this here…
You’re welcome.
T: Trust
Trust is something we all should have for one another. It's a big part of being a chapter.
U: Understanding
Being in a sorority can be hard at times. Its true that we don’t get along at time but it’s not an everyday thing. It’s important to understand each other and be there for one another. We’re sisters and we should always have each other’s backs whether we’re right or wrong.
V: Voice
Every voice should be heard within the sisterhood. Everyone should have a say. Just because you do not serve on Exec does not mean you shouldn’t express yourself. It is a sisterhood, theres no holding back.
W: {powerful} WOMEN
We are women and we set examples every day. We’re role models to each other in the chapter, girls in the community, and even to our families.
X: Xtra Love & Care
There is no doubt that your sisters are there for you whenever you need to picked up.
Y: Yoga pants
If chapter isn’t badgeable there is a 95% chance we are in yoga pants or leggings.
Z: Zzzz {for all the times we lacked sleep}
Whether it was recruitment, homecoming week, or the nights we stayed out too long.