The ABC's Of Woburn, MA | The Odyssey Online
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The ABC's Of Woburn, MA

Learn the ABC's of this amazing Boston suburb.

The ABC's Of Woburn, MA
JMulkerin Reality

Living in Woburn my entire life, I know it fairly well. Here's all things you need to learn about this amazing city! (well maybe not "everything")

A- Anderson Station

Being only about 10 miles from Boston, people from Woburn can easily visit Boston for sporting events, trips to historical places, and to just walk the city, and Anderson Station in Woburn makes it so much easier! Dropping off right in TD Garden, it's an easy way to have a great time in the city!

B- Bill and Bob's Roast Beef

A classic hangout that has been a Woburn staple for decades! It's a great place to hangout, but the food is the real reason you come to enjoy so make sure you go on an empty stomach!

C- Cusine

Woburn is home to amazing places to eat that fit every craving! From the big Strega Prime Steakhouse to The Brickyard, The Restaurant, New China Pearl, and so many more amazing places to fill your stomach!

D- Dave and Buster's

Opening a few summers ago, Dave and Buster's has definitely given both Woburn kids and adults a fun place to hang out, eat, and have a blast!

E- Education

Woburn has an amazing, modern high school that was built about ten years ago as well as The Joyce and J.F. Kennedy middle schools. Altavesta, Hurld, Shamrock, Reeves, Linsccott, Wyman, Goodyear, and White are the 8 elementary schools Woburn has to offer! Many of them have been rebuilt in the last 10 years and Woburn is currently building a new school that will combine the Hurld and Wyman schools.

F- Fields

Woburn has Ferullo Field, Library and Leland Parks to enjoy as well as the fields located at the schools, so it's safe to say that there's always a place to play catch at!

G- Gobble Gobble

You're not from Woburn if you haven't gotten stuck in traffic while waiting for a dozen turkeys to cross the road or had them walk through your yard! Turkeys are more than just dinner here in Woburn!

H- Horn Pond

Get some fresh air, take a walk, and enjoy the sun and other people while walking around the pond! If you're adventurous take a walk up Horn Pond mountain and you can see an amazing view of Boston! The number one rule of Horn Pond is that it is pronounced "Hond pond."

I- Ice Rinks

The O'Brien rink, attached to the Joyce Middle school, has been a great place to cheer on Woburn's Hockey teams and have free skate time! Woburn also has the half- size rink, Holland Arena, that can be rented to have some fun with friends!

J- John Travolta

John Travolta starred in "A Civil Action," a true story based on a book written by Jonathan Harr. They both cover the true story of water contamination in Woburn during the 1980's.

K- Knocked Down, But Not Forgotten

In March 2016, Woburn center's TurfTime had a fire which damaged the neighboring stores and ultimately lead to the entire strip of buildings being torn down. Betty Reagan's Cousin's Restaurant was one of them and had been there for decades and will be missed.

L- Laser Craze

The best place to go when you want to compete with friends, have a birthday party, or just have fun! Play in the arcade and get some pizza while you wait to hunt your friends with your laser!

M- Movies

Showcase Cinemas always has the new movies you're just dying to see! Relax in their reclining chairs and grab a drink at the bar and some popcorn to make your movie experience even better!

N-Nanabette's Ice Cream

Summer not only means nice weather but Nanabette's opening! They're open late and the go to place to let your sweet tooth out!

O- Out of This World People

With just under 40,000 residents, you would think Woburn wouldn't be a close community, but that is not the case! Whenever a terrible incident affects someone in Woburn, everyone else in the town steps forward and will do what they can to help!

P- Pizza

Pizza Market, Andrea's, My Brother's Place, Lisa's, and more! In Woburn, you can always get an amazing piece of pizza!

Q- Qdoba

When it's time for Mexican food, you don't have to go far! Just go right outside the Woburn mall! Feeling a burrito? Chipotle is just down the road across from Target!

R- Read

With the Woburn Public Library currently under construction, it may not be the most appealing place to look, but with its current history and architecture in addition to its new space and opportunities for the community, going to the library and finding a good book with be an amazing thing to do.

S- Shopping

Woburn does have a small mall which is a great place to get some shopping done, but that's not the only place to go! Target, Khols, and small stores in Woburn center as well as across the city.

T- Traffic

Being the city in which Interstate 93 and 95 meet means you are sitting in a parking lot during rush hour! Make sure you plan ahead.

U- Unbelievable events

The Boys and Girls Club Carnival, Flag Day carnival and fireworks, the tree lighting, and the Halloween Parade are three things the people of Woburn look forward to every year to have fun and make lasting memories with their friends and family!

V- Virtual Reality

MindTrek VR is the newest addition to Woburn and is the largest virtual reality arena in the country! MindTrek is still on my to do list, but who wouldn't love to play their 45-minute game where you can be fully immersed in a game?

W- WuBurger

What's Woburn without a place that brings our nickname to life! The Wu is lucky to have such an amazing diner-like place that has ice cream too!

X- Xtreme Spirit

The home of the Tanners, Woburn is a town filled with people who are proud of where they live and will the world show it! You know during sports game at Woburn High there is going to be a huge crowd of people representing in their black and orange attire.

Y- Youth Sports

Soccer, baseball, football, flag football, cheering, basketball, hockey, and lacrosse are available for all Woburn youth plus many more activities to keep our kids happy and active!

Z- Zero Regret

Woburn is a town that is filled with history, activities, shopping, events, and love and that is something everyone who's been here knows!

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