The ABCs Of The University Of South Carolina
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The ABCs Of The University Of South Carolina

A list of things that make us pledge "Forever to thee" to USC.

The ABCs Of The University Of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina is the home of the fighting Gamecocks. When you are a Gamecock, there is a lot to be "cocky" about. Here is a list from A to Z of some of the things that make us pledge "Forever to thee."

A is for academics

This is the reason we all go to school! We’re all striving for the “A."

B is for ballin’

Both men’s and women’s Gamecock basketball teams had ballin’ seasons. The USC baseball team hit it out of the ballpark earning the SEC Eastern Division title for the seventh time. Go Gamecocks!

C is for the Carolina Shag

It’s the official state dance in South Carolina and they teach this swing dance to freshmen in the University 101 class.

D is for Darius Rucker

There is a lot of love for Darius at USC. This Grammy-winning musician and USC alum plays free concerts in the Horseshoe and can be heard singing the national anthem at athletic events. The song “Wagon Wheel” has become an unofficial theme song of USC.

E is for exercise

The Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center gives Gamecocks the opportunity to work out with state-of-the-art fitness facilities and chill out in the amazing pool.

F is for Five Points

Our downtown area offers great nightlife, restaurants, and shopping. St. Pat’s in Five Points is known as one of the largest celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day in the Southeast.

G is for Gamecocks and garnet

We love being known as having the “Most Involved Mascot” Cocky at every event, and wearing our garnet and black.

H is for Horseshoe

Our historical Horseshoe is a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors in the midst of restored 19th century buildings. Many of the surrounding buildings were used as infirmaries, arsenals, and armories during the Civil War. Students love to study, lay out, and play Frisbee here.

I is for International Business School

For two decades, our Darla Moore School of Business has been ranked No. 1 among American universities.

J is for Joaquin

The city of Columbia was greatly affected by Hurricane Joaquin this year. The state and USC proved that we are SC STRONG.

K is for Koger Center for the Arts

Odds are you have seen a dance performance or attended an event at this beautiful venue.

L is for Love

We love the University of South Carolina, “Forever to thee!”

M is for McKissick Museum

Chances are every Gamecock has spent time in this building on the Horseshoe. This stately building houses the visitor center where we were introduced to the campus on our first tour.

N is for No limits

There are truly no limits to what you can achieve through a University of South Carolina experience.

O is for Orange

A color you probably shouldn’t wear on our campus.

P is for Palmetto tree

This tree is found on the state flag, the official USC logo, and throughout the campus.

Q is for BBQ

There are at least 10 “Q” restaurants near campus serving up this southern favorite.

R is for Railroad

USC is definitely "on track" when it comes to tailgating! The stadium is home to 22 renovated cabooses, referred to as ”Cockabooses," for the Gamecocks to get their game on.

S is for Sandstorm

There’s no better feeling than the moment when the song “Sandstorm” by Darude comes on during game day. Throw your spurs up and whip your white rally towel!

T is for Tiger Burn

We get fired up about playing Clemson in football. It is tradition for the engineering students to construct a huge tiger and set it on fire at the annual Tiger Burn pep rally. Feel the burn, Clemson.

U is for USC squirrels

Our squirrels are one of a kind and even have their own Twitter account. Check them out @USCSquirrel for some tweets that are sure to make you go nuts.

V is for Very hot

No lie, it’s hot here!

W is for Williams Brice Stadium

Nicknamed “Willy B," this is the home of Gamecock football and one of the most exciting pre-game entries in college football featuring the theme song from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

X is for S marks the spot!

Columbia, South Carolina is the home of our university and is the capital of the state.

Y is for Yelling

GO COCKS! Loud and proud.

Z is for Zoo

The Riverbanks zoo is located 10 minutes away from USC and is perfect for an afternoon getaway.

Now you know the ABCs of USC!

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