The ABC's Of Newport, Rhode Island
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The ABC's Of Newport, Rhode Island

When in Newport!

The ABC's Of Newport, Rhode Island
Weather Underground (

A- Alex and Ani

The very first Alex and Ani store in Bowen's Wharf is a quaint jewelry store selling eco-friendly, handcrafted signature bangles which make for a perfect memento of your visit to Newport.

B- Beaches

Whether you decide to spend the day at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Hazard's, Gooseberry, Bailey's or Reject's I can assure you that you won't regret it. Newport is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in New England.

C- Cliff Walk

This scenic 3.5 mile walk along the eastern shore of Newport is famous as a public trail and is definitely worth visiting on a sunny day.

D- Diego's

Located in Bowen's Wharf, this Mexican inspired eatery on Newport's waterfront has a modern twist that can't be beat!

E- Easton's Beach Rotunda

The Rotunda is a spectacular place to host a wedding, reception, rehearsal dinner or special event you have going on while in the area. You can also take a ride on the historic carousel upstairs!

F- Fort Adam's (Folk Festival)

Fort Adams not only has an incredible view located right on the harbor, but attending the famous annual festival which entails four stages of music, food and crafts, and a number of displays is iconic.

G- Goat Island

Located in Narragansett bay, this island that is a part of the city of Newport houses The Marina Cafe & Pub, Belle Mer and the Hyatt Regency Newport hotel.

H- Harbor Tours

You definitely can't leave Newport without taking a sail in a boat or embarking on a tour of the Newport harbor!

I- International Tennis Hall of Fame

Whether you play tennis or not, checking out the famed museum, grass tennis courts and indoor and court tennis facilities is a great way to spend an afternoon.

J- Jane Pickens Theatre

Visiting Jane Pickens is definitely a unique movie experience. Built in 1834, this historical theatre features unbeatable indie films, classics and other cinema events.

K- King's Park

This park on lower Thames is a perfect picture taking location for any occasion, seated right on the Newport harbor facing the Newport Bridge.

L- Long Wharf Mall

The stores in this outdoor mall on upper Thames are ever changing, but you will always find a place to stop by for a quick bite to eat and shopping to do!

M- Mansions

Whether you visit The Breakers, Chateau-sur-Mer, The Elms, Kingscote or Marble House, taking a tour of the spectacular Newport Mansions should definitely be on your bucket list!

N- Newport Creamery

The Newport Creamery surprisingly has a fascinating history, originally starting out as a milk business on Aquidneck Island and later becoming the family friendly restaurant it is today serving their signature "Awful Awful" milkshakes.

O- Ocean Drive Historic District

Taking a car ride along Ocean Drive is a must, the view of the beaches, ocean, sunrise and sunset is breathtaking.

P- Pedi Cab

You can't beat taking a ride in a pedi cab in Newport during the summer. The drivers are always extremely personable and while getting a chance to rest your feet, you can truly take in the beauty of downtown/waterfront Newport!

Q- Quality Seafood

The seafood at Newport's most sought-after restaurants is matchless. From sea to table you can't go wrong with freshly caught fish, mollusks, and shellfish that are prepared and served at venues such as Flo's Clam Shack or Anthony's Seafood, The Black Pearl, The Mooring and 22 Bowens.

R- Red Parrot

The Red Parrot's three story 1898 building serves incredible pasta, pizza and surf 'n' turf dishes, has a great ambiance and incredible customer service.

S- Salve Regina

Pay a visit to Salve Regina University, a phenomenal Catholic, co-educational, private, non-profit institution located in the Ochre Point area of Newport.

T- Thames Street

Explore all of the restaurants, cafes, shops, boutiques, etc. along the waterfront on historic Thames street.

U- Upper Deck Clothing

Whether you visit Upper Deck or not, you can't leave Newport without first purchasing a signature Newport shirt, sweatshirt, hat etc.

V- Vineyard's

Stop by New England’s largest grower of wine grapes! From an array of tastings, behind the scenes look at the actual wine making process, daily tours and a restaurant, the Newport Vineyards never disappoint.

W- White Horse Tavern

The well-known White Horse Tavern is an excellent place to go for American cuisine in a historic setting dating all the way back to 1673.

X- X-Mas time at The Newport Ice Skating Center

Coastal Living Magazine recently named Newport one of the 10 Best American Beach Towns for Christmas, so spending your time at the Ice Skating Center is a fantastic holiday activity!

Y- Yacht's

Even if you aren't a seasoned yachtsman take a look at all of the incredible cruising, racing, and offshore sailing yachts adorning the harbor, or check out the America’s Cup annual regatta.

Z- (Cafe) Zelda

Looking for something special for brunch, lunch or dinner while in Newport? Stop by Cafe Zelda for delicious American and French inspired dishes!

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