What is a better form of birth control (or not) than spending your days as a nanny for some cute kiddos? If you have ever been a nanny, then you will relate to the ABC's of being a nanny.
A is for...
Apple juice...the drink that I have to pour for my kiddo like twenty times a day.
B is for...
Birth control....especially after that poopy diaper.
C is for...
Crying...does the crying ever stop with babies? I think not.
D is for...
Diapers...they are never-ending.
E is for...
Eating...aka an excuse to go to Chick-fil-a twice a week and not feel bad about it.
F is for...
Friendship...being a nanny means you get a built-in new best friend.
G is for...
Gym...did you know that they have baby gyms? Yeah me either until I became a nanny.
H is for...
Hugs...there is nothing better than the most genuine, sweetest hugs from the kiddos you spend your days with.
I is for...
Invested...I promise that as a nanny you will be so invested in the family of the child that you care for that it will make it hard to leave them when your job is over.
J is for...
Jesus...all I need to get through the day of being a nanny is a little bit of Jesus and a whole lot of coffee.
K is for...
Kids...kids are kind of a big part of the job I suppose.
L is for...
Lists...you know it's going to be a great day when you get to the families house and they have a list of things they want you to do that day with the kids.
M is for...
Money...the joys of making bank and usually just getting straight cash.
N is for...
No...how many times will I have to stay no to this child in my lifetime? Probably too many to count.
O is for...
Old...why does being a nanny make me feel so old? Maybe because I am old enough to be in charge of a child?
P is for...
Parks...I never knew how many parks there were to play at until I became a nanny.
Q is for...
Quiet time...aka only happens when your kiddo is fast asleep (for however long that lasts).
R is for...
Responsibility....you are literally responsible for the life of a child.
S is for...
Strollers...why are these things so obnoxious? Especially in small spaces...
T is for...
Television....I am now an avid "Sofia The First' fan.
U is for...
Uber...I have basically turned into an Uber driver for this kiddo.
V is for...
Vibrant...there will never be a dull day, which means each day will be pretty vibrant.
W is for...
Wasteful...I have never seen more food wasted in my life than my time as a nanny. Why do kids never eat?
X is for...
Xylophone...why do they make the loudest most annoying toys for kids on the planet? Like why does a two-year-old need a xylophone for a toy?
Y is for...
Yoga pants...aka a nanny's typical uniform (bless up for not having to wear nice clothes to work).
Z is for...
Zoo days...the chance to embrace your inner child and get to spend the day at the zoo.