The 9 Types Of People You See In A Bookstore | The Odyssey Online
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The 9 Types Of People You See In A Bookstore

If you're not all of them, you're at least one of them.

The 9 Types Of People You See In A Bookstore

Let's face it, there are many different types of people when it comes to almost every single store and restaurant these days. Whether it's that person who takes a million photos, the one for the free items, or just the absolute complete fan, we all are a little bit of at least one if not all of them. Going through this list, I can admit that I have been every single person at one point in time, but I am mainly three...okay maybe four of these people.

1. Book/ Bag Holder

There's always that one person that you take shopping with you who always ends up holding your purse, bag, or just the stack of books you end up purchasing. Chances are this person whose stuck holding all the items has found a chair to sit in, or a corner to be at that's comfortable, because they've already gotten tired of following you around.

2. Gifter

It's that time of the year, where you're stuck trying to find a gift for that person you just can't figure out what to buy. So you're the one whose slowly going through the aisles to find something to quite literally pop out at you. You're just going in for a gift, that could be literally everything except maybe the book...unless you know what that person is wanting. You probably end up getting a gift card with a journal, bookmark, or a pen...

3. Reader in the aisle

There's the odd time where you will go into a bookstore, and they don't have many chairs. Sometimes it's a small store, and other times, all the chairs are filled. So you resort to sitting in an aisle reading about fifty pages of a book, before you finally get up and make the purchase. Don't worry about the other people trying to walk through, or purchase this book, because you've claimed it already.

4. Writer looking for Inspiration

Generally, most writers look up novels that are similar to their idea, however, you can always catch at least one that is in the store, possibly signing books, or just looking at other author's works for more inspiration. They're taking notes, seeing the ratings on Goodreads to see if they can make something of the same idea.

5. Free Wi-fi

The very person we all have either been or grow to hate. They don't purchase anything, don't try to look like they're interested in buying anything, but will roam the aisles just to have free Wi-fi to send, or look through social media. Sometimes they're also the person who got stuck holding all those books.

6. Non-Reader Friend

We all have a non-reader friend, or we are one. Always brought along thinking that it'll only take twenty minutes "I swear" and you end up spending the rest of your afternoon with your book loving friend, who not so subtly is trying to force their new favourite series down your throat. You'll shake your head and agree, but we all know that's never going to happen.

7. Instagrammer/Social Media Buff

Same thing when it comes to food and fashion, you'll see people going into a bookstore just to take cool photos of the shelves, certain book poses, or just really to send snap-chats to that one person to make them seem a little bit cooler right? I personally am always taking pictures of books since I am an actual Bookstagrammer (Book Instagrammer) but I also read...

8. Coffee Enthusiast

Generally the coffee person probably happened to be browsing, or purchasing from the bookstore, and decided to walk on over to the coffee shop that's almost always connected or nearby. They very well could also be the Instagrammer, whose trying to get that oh so chic post for their followers to see... #Sundayvibes ??

9. Ultimate Book Lover

This by far is the one person you either want to talk to or avoid at all costs. There are different levels of a book lover, so you must be careful. I am a book lover myself, having spent many weekends at a bookstore, and always leaving with more books that I probably should have. This is the person who could recommend you a scroll list of books to add to your TBR (To Be Read) pile, but also someone you may want to keep away from, especially if they're reading a book. Never get the Book-lovers angry.

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