Winter Study has come and gone, and spring semester has sprung. Although we would all like to think that every year or academic period is a new opportunity, I have found that this is not necessarily the case. I have identified an outline, a pattern for the spring semester. Bookmark this article now, and check back at the end of the year. You will see that I am right.
1. The start of something new.
The beginning of the semester is a time of hope. During add-drop period, you are cruising through the review portion of your classes, meeting professors and students, and exploring your options. No exams, no labs. Who would not succumb to feeling hopeful for the term?
2. Confusion.
As soon as the review portion of your classes ends, you begin to get slammed with problem sets, lab reports, and new material. The workload and material suddenly seem overwhelming and just outside of your grasp. But the exam is still weeks away, you still have time to learn it all!
3. Doubt.
As the exam draws nearer, you become painfully aware of your unawareness. Is this really the class you signed up for? When did we go from 2+2 to second derivatives? Can I still drop this class?
4. Despair.
Just before spring break, every class just so happens to have a paper, lab report, and exam due. Even on St. Patrick's Day. All-nighters, coffee, and copious boxes of tissues become your best friends. Is it over yet?
5. Break.
You are thankful for the 2-week getaway from the work and stress of the spring semester. You survived the midterms hump. It still may be snowing a foot every day, but at least you are not trapped in the library until the nerd bell every night. Enjoy.
6. Hope.
Although winter easily lasts through April, the temperatures already begin to rise, the sun peaks out a little more often, and everyone has a little more energy. Finals are still far off. You can do this!
7. Happiness.
It is May. The temperatures are perfect, the flora is blooming, and your weekends are spent with friends frolicking outside. Finals are almost here, but at least you can study on the grass instead of in the library.
8. Finals.
So you were definitely not prepared for the doom of finals to hit you quite so soon, but it did. At least finals are only a week. You just have to pass, right?
9. Relief.
You made it. You survived. Now, it is summer, and you do not even have to check your grades if you do not want to. You will deal with it in the fall. You are out of here.
Step 9 may still be far off, but it will come. It always does. Happy spring term!