1.Finals can’t be that difficult right?
A few weeks before you have to begin preparing for finals, you are feeling pretty confident. You tell yourself that because you have never missed a class and paid great attention, you will do great and pass all your finals.
2.Oh wait, maybe this is going to be hard.
But then your prof starts talking about the exam, and you quickly realize that you underestimated everything. This can't be good.
3.Stressed. Wow, I’m really stressed.
All of a sudden everything around seems to be crumpling down, and you have 470,568 things to do in less than 24 hours because all of your professors decided to make up random assignments on the last week of class. PLUS, you have no idea how to start studying for that really hard final you have to take in three days.
4.Now everyone is stressed, and people are becoming really mean.
So now dead days have arrived, and everyone is super stressed. Also, it turns out that finals week makes people really mean. People get irritated super quickly and do not hold anything back. But no one gets upset about it, because everyone is in the same boat; STRESSED.
5.Study. Study. Never stop studying.
So then you just start studying. You're not quite sure what you are doing, but you go for it anyway. You just start reading, going over notes, crying a little (or a lot), and just hope for the best.
6. Take way too many study "breaks".
About every hour or so (maybe shorter than that), your brain just stops working, so you take a break. But then you realize that the break lasted 3 hours, and now you're even more stressed. So you start studying again, but you can't really refocus, so you just give up for the night and go to bed.
7.Complete panic.
Actually, I'm not sure if it's panic or more of a crazy Taylor Swift type of meltdown (see above), or a combination of both. But the day of the test is, well, terrifying. You get up early to study some more, but then you realize there is nothing more you can do so you go into crazy mode. You start to think about all the things that can go wrong if you fail this test, and then the panicking starts, and then you get nauseous, and then it's just a complete meltdown after that (some meltdowns may happen inside your head and not displayed to your fellow students nearby).
8. You take the test and move on.
So you take the test, and when you are finished a new Taylor Swift song comes to mind. It's finally over and you can just shake it off, because at this point there is nothing more you can do. Also, on a side note can we just all appreciate how there is a TaySway song for just about every situation ever? (Because that is pretty great to me).
9. Celebrate.
Once all your finals are finished, and you have repeated the above steps about four times; you can finally celebrate. You now get to go home and be completely festive and have nothing standing between you and Christmas. You get to sleep in and do all things Christmas, because Santa is coming and the semester is over!
And for those of you who still have finals left (like me), let this be motivation to finish out strong.