“There's only so many streets, so many lights"
Growing up in a small town in Massachusetts, I have always pictured myself moving out, and going somewhere more lively, anywhere where the night life extends past 10 p.m. As a teenager, my interest went toward anywhere else from the place I grew up. As much as I love my friends from home, I was under the impression that I needed to experience borders that were not 10 miles from one side to the other. I needed out.
As I now sit here in my university dorm room and think to myself how wonderful it is to be back from the holidays, I find my mind wandering full circle from memories I have made at home to memories I have made during my time here. I find myself taking another look at that small town.
I have gathered some of the best moments, and learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in that small town. Although our community may never be the same again, I know that within everybody’s hearts is the strength of a mustang and the willpower of a superhero.
1. Throughout the years comes friendship
My friends from home are my friends for life. Although we all live different lives, our friends from home are the people we can count on. They have been with us the whole way from the start until graduation day, and they threw the exact same caps we had all worn with great pride.
2. You know everyone's story
Whether it be good or bad, everyone knows everyone. Give or take the people who came into the school system or the people who left, we’ve all grown up with each other since kindergarten.
3. We all have each other to turn to regardless
My little town, alone, has suffered more in the last few years than most others combined. Our hearts will always have a certain weight to them when it comes to all the unfair deaths we have been forced to see. Throughout the heartaches and the pain, we stand together, and we seize the opportunity to live life through the greatest of opportunities.
4. Small businesses forever
Going to the local pizza place means getting exactly what you want. The chances of them screwing up your order are slim to none because face it, they know just as well as you do that you live and breathe that food. Supporting local business has always been the motto, and everyone knows it.
5. You always feel safe
Leaving a car unlocked in the driveway is normal, just as is walking into your best friend's house like it’s your own. If you don’t know every doorway or window of their house, are you even friends? Because everybody knows everybody, safety is never a concern.
6. Last names are never a surprise
Unless you’re an only child, “Oh! You’re a *blank*, I had your sibling,” is something you hear almost six times a year, if not more (given that every teacher knows everything about your family). If you aren’t known as someone’s sibling, the chances of you having a cousin in the same school district are very high. Everyone is related to each other, for real.
7. Sports
Due to attending a small school, sports and athletes become the center of attention for everyone in the community. This year, our girls varsity soccer team made it to the state finals, and you bet everyone was at that game regardless of if they knew someone on the team. The best athletes are like celebrities in town because everyone always knows their name.
8. The chances of someone knowing where you’re from is so slim
The saying, “You’re from *blank*? Where’s that?” pretty much sums it up.
All in all, growing up in a small town has shaped who I am as a person. Now that I have experienced life outside, I’m constantly re-evaluating what I’m really looking for to make me grow more as an adult. Perhaps I will return to that town later on in life, or perhaps I will not. What I do know for sure is ...
I left that small town, and I will look back.