Finals week is quite possibly the worst few days of your life. Filled with crazy ups and downs, you can be sure finals week is the most intense emotional roller coaster ever. But, that just makes it all the more satisfying when it's over.
1. Denial
"I have so many other things I could be doing, I'm def not going to study for this. It's probably going to be so easy anyways, whatever, let's just go to the bar tonight."
2. Nervousness
"OK, maybe I shouldn't have gone out last night, but it's OK. I still have two days to study, and I can cram tomorrow, so I'm set."
3. Sheer Panic
"Why did I wait until the last second to study? The exam is tomorrow, and I haven't even touched my notes since like two weeks ago."
4. Desperation
*Signals any classmate who will pay attention to your cries for help as you take final.*
5. Anger
6. Regret
"I feel sorry for the professor who has to correct this."
7. Acceptance
"You know what? I showed up, and that's a win in my book."
8. Freedom
Walking out of your last final like goodbye forever (or at least until next semester).