Maybe you grew up super Jewish and never had a Christmas tree. Maybe your parents were a little more open-minded, and they allowed a “Hanukkah bush” in their home, like my father’s childhood friend. Maybe you grew up going to church every Sunday, in following some Christian denomination.
But I know there are some people out there like me: raised in both Christian and Jewish faiths. I don’t regret it one bit; it’s actually given me more of an open mind growing up, but the winter holidays can be kind of weird for me. But celebrating both has its perks:
1. Coincidental Timing
There’s nothing quite as ironic as the timing working out for Hanukkah to fall right around Christmas time, so there’s candle lighting on Christmas Eve.
2. Decorations
Why deck your halls in red and white, when you can have blue and white? And you can top your Christmas tree with a Star of David! It’s perfect!
3. Lights
Yeah, you have your icicle lights and candles in the window, but for eight days, you get to light more candles! There’s something about lights this time of year, especially if there’s snow… More candles = prettier display.
4. Chocolate
One word: gelt. Spin that dreidel, baby. And add that bounty to the chocolate Santa in your stocking on Christmas morning.
5. Ugly Sweaters
You have twice the amount of ugly holiday sweaters at your disposal. Leggings too. And twice the opportunity to wear them!
6. Songs
There might not be the variety of Hanukkah songs that there are for Christmas, but you know some great songs for the Festival of Light. And, if you can make the "ch" sound in the back of your throat, you can hold it over your friends' heads, because HERITAGE.
7. Presents (well...)
It might seem like these mixed households might be drowning in presents this time of year, but remember this: in the grand scheme of things, Hanukkah isn’t actually that big of a holiday. The whole gift-giving thing was started because of the whole Christmas thing. Really, Hanukkah is more about celebrating the miracle of light than the gifts. But that doesn’t stop us from getting ALL THE CHOCOLATE for eight days straight.
8. Spending time with family and friends, regardless of religious preference, because that's what the holiday season is all about.
Happy Holidays!