Now, I might be biased here but English majors are pretty awesome. We come with all sorts of unique and interesting personalities. Here, I have broken down the 7 types of English majors that are most likely furiously typing on their laptop in the corner right now.
1. The creative writer
This type of English major can be found pretty much anywhere as long as it helps their creative flow. They are like the hipsters of English majors because, if you ever get lucky to open one of their thousands of notebooks, you'll see clippings, photos, sketches, charts, maps, etc. They can often be spotted people-watching, which is not to be confused with the investigative journalist because, rest assured, they are most likely basing one of the characters in their stories after you.
2. The pretentious orator
You always know when you’re in the presence of a pretentious English major, because they will talk for 20 minutes about the mythological motifs that they noticed in T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” that they are positive that no one else could have possibly spotted except for them. However, if you ever have a question, they will always give you a very detailed response.
3. The kooky one
You have probably had an English teacher like this. This lovable creature is much like the creative writer, except their stories are often quite unusual. They range everywhere from very dark to very happy, depending on what is the first thought that pops into their head. They usually have pretty wild ideas and are very good at using the small details in books to support their essay theses.
4. Shakespeare actor reincarnate
Give this English major a Shakespeare sonnet and they will woo you with their ability to flawlessly speak in iambic pentameter. They are usually the first ones to raise their hand in class when the professor asks if anyone wants to read for "Hamlet." They also dabble in theater on the side, and may even double major in the two!
5. The investigative journalist
These majors are the ones that sign up for every school newspaper, have tons of written and unwritten articles stored in folders on their computers and they will not stop until every last detail is recorded and written down. You can often find them with their notes and laptop under one arm and a cup of coffee in the other hand.
6. The (English) analyst
This person lives for writing analytical essays on all sorts of literature and they worship the Oxford English Dictionary. They dig deep into each sentence and pry open every chapter and draining it of all, if any, meaning it might have. Sometimes this person is completely on the dot, but other times they can be very, very wrong. However, we appreciate them for trying and thinking outside of the box!
7. The one that constantly has 10 essays to write and three books to read.
Who am I kidding, that’s all of us.