I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions. I don't remember the last time I had one, but I am big on setting personal goals. As I get older (I mean, I am in my 20s now), I'm noticing my body doesn't handle my high school habits the way it used to. This year, I've really been focusing on living a healthier life without having to make some drastic change or sign up for some weird eating plan.
I'm all about practicality, I live in a sorority with 60 people, and I'm a broke college student who is always busy. My resources are limited, but it's easy to make small changes without sacrificing too much.
1. Read more than you watch T.V.
What a concept... Is this what people did before television?
Books can get pricey, but it's so fun to exchange books with friends. I just started reading yet another Nicholas Sparks book and finally got some reading glasses. Woop, Woop!
2. Add him on LinkedIn instead of Snapchat
I've never actually tried this, but my theory is if he cares about you/wants to get to know you, he’ll love to check out your accomplishments and professional experience. This will also expand your network, and who knows, maybe you two will be a power couple someday.
3. Drink more water
If it means you have to invest in a $40 HydroFlask and some Red Bubble stickers, so be it. While you’re at it, eat some vegetables and lay off the dairy (milk is made for baby cows, not grown-up humans).
4. Exercise
If you have time to sit around and watch Netflix or go out on the weekends, you have time to work out. It doesn't have to be anything too intense, it can be walking or running on a treadmill, and you can watch Netflix while you do it. Make sure to stretch and alternate between cardio and conditioning. They work best together!
5. Cool it with sugary drinks
Energy drinks are just a no. You don’t need them and they don’t need you. Even the "healthy" ones aren't good for you. Also, your iced coconut milk caramel macchiatto probably has a few days' worth of sugar. I used to be a coffee feen when I worked as a barista, then I realized how much sugar I was drinking. Now, I love iced americanos with a touch of honey.
6. Have dedicated "you" time
I'm a full-time student, a content creator for Odyssey, and a public relations intern. I could easily be working or doing homework seven days a week, but I would go crazy. I always make it a point to get all my school work, articles, or internship assignments done between Monday and Friday so the weekend is mine to refresh and recharge.
7. Have goals instead of dreams
A dream is a goal without a plan and isn't likely to be achieved. If this dream is something you'd like to reach, start planning. It's okay to start small — the baby steps matter too, but without a plan, your dreams will probably just stay dreams. One of my dreams was going to graduate school, and I started taking the baby steps to get there. Now I'm going to Spokane next year for speech and hearing sciences. Dreams do come true if you turn them into attainable goals!