Thanksgiving break is a chance to relax and spend time with family, and of course stuff your face with turkey. For college students it’s a little different. It’s the time where being stressed out is an understatement and you seem to go through many different stages.
Papers, Exams, and projects, oh my!
It seems like all your professors decide that right before thanksgiving break is the time to assign a million things to do and you don’t even know where to begin.
Where did all of my money go?
This is also the time where you realize all of your money you saved up from working in the summer and from refund checks have dissolved from your bank account and you maybe have $5 left.
Are you still watching?
Yes, I am still watching Netflix. I have no money to do anything else and I’m avoiding all the papers and studying I have to do. Of course, this results in me binge watching as much Netflix as I can.
Turkey time
This is also the time where you mentally prepare yourself to bring back all of the leftovers from thanksgiving. Thanks for all the Tupperware mom, it’s finally useful.
Are you dating anyone? How are your grades? Future goals?
The dreaded questions that your family will be pinning you about while you try to enjoy a long overdue home cooked meal. The answers are the same every time, so why ask?
Pets are the real MVPs!
Walking through the door and seeing your pet run up to you and greet you is the best thing ever and probably the real reason you come home anyway. They don’t care about your grades or your relationship status. They just love you.
Realizing you have to go back to school after only one weekend.
Having a long weekend to relax at home is always nice, until you realize that you have to go back and finish the semester before you get another break. This then makes you more stressed.
Thanksgiving break is probably the best and fastest break a college kid gets because by the time you relax and finally eat a decent meal, it’s already time to go back to school. But hey, it’s better than not having a break at all!