Finally it was here, the day I’d been waiting for since I got to college: Sorority Recruitment. My stomach felt heavy. I was nervous that I would not make a good first impression. I was packed in a room of eager, well-dressed girls, who were hoping to stand out. While somewhat exhausting and emotionally draining, my journey through rush was one which I will never forget. Not only did I meet amazing women throughout the process, but I also learned a great deal about myself. So, here are some of the stages that you may experience or may have experienced while going through sorority rush or recruitment.
1. The I feel confident, but I’m secretly so nervous stage
While you’re sitting waiting to start your day, you may feel excited, eager, but also a bit overwhelmed. You’re unsure what to expect, what kinds of questions you may be asked, and which girls you are going to get along with. My advice is give yourself a pep talk, tell yourself how awesome you are, and make sure you look classy. Right Kim?
2. The I did not realize how exhausting this process would be stage.
After hours of girl-flirting A.K.A (glirting), swelled up feet from the cute yet highly uncomfortable heels that you insisted on wearing, and the feeling that you could actually eat anything in sight, you realize that the only thing to do is to go to bed immediately so that you can wake up and do it again the next day. Kim understands!
">3. The I feel like my life is ending stage
As soon as you find out which houses did not ask you back, it may be extremely emotional. You start thinking to yourself what did I do wrong? Was it something I said? Did they make a mistake? It may feel like a break up, and with that, there may be some tears. Kim’s mom knows a lot about tears!
4. The I need to call my mom stage
Right after schedules are distributed, you may look around and see hundreds of girls calling their moms who are anxiously waiting to hear the news. I know my mom was glued to her phone each round. This stage actually goes on all day everyday! Kim is always updating her mom about the latest drama!
">5. The I need to hear what every single other girl is doing stage
Finally, after you’ve survived the first round of cuts, you may be oh-so eager to hear what other girls are doing. You feel the need to compare schedules and tell them exactly where you’re going and if you’re excited to be going back. The trouble is, the more you hear, the more nervous and confused you may get. Kim’s sister, Kourtney, is the master of confusion.
6. The I’m so conflicted stage
On preference round, if you get invited back to more than one house, you may be extremely conflicted, thinking that this is the biggest decision you have yet to make. As you sit in the room to fill out your first and second choices, you may hear the sounds of clicking pens as anxious girls go back and forth over which house they would like to "pref." The fact is, there probably isn’t a bad decision, but it certainly feels like you better get this right. Kim gets this.
">7. The OMG this feels like the absolute best day of my life stage.
As you anxiously tare open your bid day letter, to see the name of the house in which you have been selected to pledge membership, you may feel an overwhelming sense of happiness, as you scream and run to meet your new sisters! This is honestly an incredible moment that I will never forget. Kim definitely knows the feeling!
">The journey through sorority recruitment, though emotionally draining at times, was overall a great experience. While going through the process, it's important to remember that sorority recruitment by no means defines who you are. If you're like Kim Kardashian and tend to overreact, think of this maybe as a learning experience, possibly a new sisterhood, or just a small fraction of your college experience, because at the end of the day, everything works out! While there were definitely ups and downs throughout the process, I am extremely excited to be involved in Greek life and the amazing journey that lies ahead.
Shoutout to my “phabulous” new sisters :)