"I like the ephemeral thing about theatre, every performance is like a ghost—it's there and then it's gone." -Maggie Smith
Six to eight weeks is the typical total lifespan for a piece of theatrical art. It is born, it thrives, and it dies. Beginning with auditions, the production team harnesses the energy of a show and passes it to the actors, technical designers, orchestra and stage crew during the rehearsal process. Collectively, they pass that energy to the audience in each performance.
After the final curtain call, the dressing rooms are cleared, tears and wiped from watery eyes, and the group of talented people who came together to tell a story heads their separate ways. Anyone who has been involved in a school or community or regional production understands PSD. Post Show depression is the emotional water slide felt after closing a show.
Here are the seven stages of Post Show Depression told in GIFs: