1. The pilot
It begins as a casual comment from a friend. Soon after, you start seeing mentions of it on Facebook. Following close are the live-tweets. It soon feels as though you are the only person on this planet Earth who is not watching this show. And so, you decide to look on Netflix or Hulu or HBOGo to see what you can find of it. Sometimes, it appears with less notice. You're just bored, wanting to fill up a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon. Either way, somehow you find the first season of a show you've never experienced.
The whole experience feels so casual. You like the show, but you aren't obsessed or anything. Since you have some more time, you decide to watch the next episode.
2. The hook
It's usually not in the first episode that you become hooked on a show. Usually, around the third or fourth episode, something happens. This something forever changes the game. Your life becomes divided into two eras: Before this moment and after this moment. You are forever changed because you have never been so shocked or so satisfied or so surprised by a show before. You must immediately continue because how could you possibly stop watching when that just happened?'
3. The takeover
You are officially into this. It all suddenly makes sense! How could anyone not be watching this? Watching this show is the best decision that you have ever made in your life! You don't need food...or socialization...or school. Who really needs a 4.0 GPA? Not you! You're just going to settle in for one more episode.
4. The bad decision
It was not just one more episode. It was eight or nine more. You've reached the point where it's 4 a.m. and you have class tomorrow. Texts have been ignored, homework left unfinished. The bags under your eyes are as dark as the current plot line. You've forgotten what it feels like to stand up straight. A mistake has been made and you are realizing that your time management skills are terrible, to say the least. However, it's too late to focus on that. After all, all that's left is the finale.
5. The finale
So this is where it ends. It feels like it's been such a long journey, but it's only been three days. You can no longer remember a time before these characters were a part of your life; for the past couple of days, they've been your life. Caught somewhere between scandalized and at peace, you can finally go to bed.
6. The post-series/season finale depression
Except that you definitely can't. How could you have run out of episodes to watch? It seemed like there were so many before. For some, this was only the season finale and, therefore, the feelings of loss will fade when the next season comes out. Sure, you'll have to wait a week between each episode like you're living in the 80s or something, but you will get more time with your show.
However, sometimes this point comes after finishing the series finale. This is it. You firmly believe that nothing will ever be better than what you just witnessed, so how will you be able to move on. You've devoted part of your life to this show, countless hours of dedication to the characters. How will you fill the empty space in your heart?
7. The search for a new show.
Luckily, Netflix makes a suggestion for you or a different friend recommends a new show. Either way, you decide that it is time to move forward and heal your heart. After all, you deserve it.