I have heard over and over again about the importance of self-care and how desperately we need it to stay emotionally and physically healthy. However, I have always written off all suggestions because I didn’t want another thing on my to-do list (and that’s my problem right there). However, in the past month or so, I have discovered some self-care rituals that are changing everything for me. What works for me may or may not work for you, so take or leave this list, add to it, change it. But please, please take care of yourself You are important!
1) Sleep!
Sleep is number one on my list because without it, the other ways I take care of myself are not as impactful. Personally, I need 8 hours of sleep a night to be awake and rested the next day. Unfortunately, sleep is usually the first thing I sacrifice. It is so easy for me to tell myself at night that I will be fine the next day on just six or seven hours of shut-eye. But I am just lying to myself. I need a full eight hours in order to be fully alert the next day. My life is demanding, and when I try to live it without a full night of rest, I am robbing myself and the people around me who need me to be at my best.
2) Relaxing
In order to get a good night of sleep, I need half an hour to an hour to wind down. My brain is constantly on high alert, and if I never take time to calm my system down, I send myself into a tailspin of anxiety. Recently, I have discovered the joy of Sleepytime tea. I love it. Nothing is better than boiling myself a pot of tea and laying in bed with a good book or an episode of Friends and letting my mind take a break. I sleep better and wake up happier when I give myself the space I need to relax and recharge.
3) Finding a place
I absolutely love to spend time at my favorite coffee shop. For me, this is the best place to relax. There is something so soothing about the atmosphere, sitting with a good book and a cup of my favorite coffee or tea, surrounded by people but able to be in my own little world at the same time. Nothing beats it.
4) Tapping in to creativity
I am a worse person when I go long stretches without writing. I need it. I need to write in order to process, in order to release the tension of built up feelings. I need it to be fully in touch with who I am. This is my creative process. For you it may be something completely different. But I encourage you to make space in your life to do that which you feel fully at home doing. Passion and creativity are a huge part of our humanness, and we tap into who we are truly meant to be when we engage in passion and creativity.
5) Feed your inner introvert and extrovert
I live in a state of constant tension as someone who is both introverted and extroverted. I am quite social and love to spend time with the people that I love. And I love a lot of people. The problem is that I sometimes spread myself too thin and neglect the alone time I so desperately crave. I love people, but I also love to sit by myself and get lost in my mind. I love to sit with a good book and read for seven hours straight. I love to drink tea and sit and listen to music. I love to journal. I love to have time to just be. So I am learning to balance my time. I am learning that it is ok to spend the morning with friends and then tell them that I need to go home and have introvert time. I am learning to no longer live ruled by the fear of missing out on something. I am learning to embrace and protect my inner introvert while still keeping the more extraverted part of me happy.
6) Making the bedroom a comfortable space
In the last month or so I have worked hard to make my bedroom a place that I feel at home in. I have changed the lighting, the decor, and the arrangement to create a space that calms me. Life is crazy and chaotic, so coming home and collapsing into bed in a room that is soothing to my soul has been a game-changer. I now look forward to coming home, lighting a candle and relaxing in a space that is mine and makes me feel safe and content.
7) Being careful of words and thoughts
Careful speech has been on my heart lately. I want to be intentional about everything that I say. I want to look for the good and for the beauty in all things. I want everything I see to be edifying and uplifting to those around me. We live in a harsh world and we make it harsher by condemning, criticizing, and tearing it down. I am far from perfect in this area, but I absolutely notice a difference in my days when I speak positively versus when I speak from my flesh.
Taking care of myself has always seemed selfish and self-indulgent to me, but I am learning that the only way I can truly care for others is if I take care of myself. So there you have it. I hope you find what works for you, and you make you a priority.