For many of us, it was our first job. Our first responsibility. That’s right, babysitting. The first profession of children and the first real shot at responsibility many of us are bestowed, willingly or unwillingly. I’ve certainly come across quite a lot of kids babysitting, and while I got along with some kids more than others, every experience I’ve had babysitting has been an adventure. But when you boil it down I think there are about 6 kinds of kids any given person will babysit in their lifetime.
The Relative
Probably your first babysitting job. Whether it’s a cousin, a second cousin, niece, nephew, or a little brother or sister, watching a family member was probably your first babysitting gig. I babysat my brothers, who are both significantly younger than me, when I was in middle school. I loved it because I basically got paid permission to boss my siblings around.
The Crazy Child
We’ve all babysat that one child that was off the wall insane. They throw the worst tantrums, they lie to get their way, or they literally pick fights with you. You’ve got to throw them up and over your shoulder and carry them over to the time out corner, or banish them to their room every time you see them. Telling their parents about how they behaved for you was the most awkward moment of your life.
The Absent Child
This is the child that seems almost too easy. Maybe you get lucky and you watch a couple kids together, and they play by themselves the whole time. Or maybe the kid just wants to watch a movie and falls asleep half way in. You walk away feeling like you should have definitely worked more than you actually did.
The Clingy Child
The opposite of the Absent Child, the entire time you’re with this kid they’re hanging off your leg. I mean this literally. They want to be right up against you the entire time you’re with them, and they’re not shy about it. It’s not so bad though, because it just goes to show how loving kids can be, and how open they are about their affection. Going home is always sad, but coming back to watch them again is always great.
The Teen
The angsty cousin of the Absent Child, the Teen doesn’t really know why you even need to be there watching them, and really, you don’t either. Maybe 12 or 13 years old, you’re pretty sure this kid is capable of watching themselves for a few hours but hey, at least you’re getting paid, right? Depending on the type of Teen you’re watching, the experience could really go either way. You could get a kid that did their own thing for a few hours, or one that made your life a living hell. Good luck.
The Perfect Kid
Once in a lifetime every babysitter comes across a child that’s their own personal perfect babysitting experience. They’re fun to hang out with, they always listen, and they never misbehave. You can do crafts or play video games all night and literally nothing ever goes wrong. They look forward to seeing you just as much as you look forward to seeing them, and its awesome. It’s never weird talking to their parents because you never have anything bad to tell them. But beware! Once you find your Perfect Child, babysitting will be virtually ruined for you, since you’ll never want to babysit anyone else.
Well babysitters, I hope that you all find your perfect kids, but babysitting is always an adventure, no matter what kind of child you’re watching. May all your kids eat their supper, take their baths, and go to bed on time!