In this time of midterms, papers, and just general high stress levels, it's important that we take a few moments to weep about the downward spiral of our lives. For those who need a good place for a cathartic release, check out my list of these tried and true places on our lovely campus!
1. On the platform by the stairs behind McKinley.
Depending on the time of day, this can be a great spot to shed some tears. This area of campus doesn't usually see the amount of traffic other areas do, so it's both quiet and just hidden enough to do the trick.
2. The Ilene Zatkin-Butler garden by the amphitheater.
I'm convinced that this is one of the best kept secrets on campus. The entrance to this beautiful area is right across the street from the three flagpoles next to Hughes, and the snaking pathways and beautiful foliage might even be enough to make you forget your tears. If not, though, there are plenty of benches along the path to cry on. Added bonus: almost always quiet since not everyone knows about it
3. On the bench behind Kay directly across from Katzen.
Here you not only get a good view of campus, you're far enough away from the other benches that no one will know that you're there to cry. Since your back is to the street, you won't have to worry about anyone sneaking up on you! Added bonus: Street noise.
4. One of the hills overlooking the sports field.
As someone who is fond of Skyping here when the weather is nice, I can confirm that it is also a suitable place to cry. Make sure your back is to the kids walking to and from the Watkins building.
5. The patch of grass between the East Quad Building and Hurst.
The only people I've ever seen here are tour groups. At most other times, it's wide open for crying episodes!
6. Any place at all in the library.
In these dark times (any time, really, but especially during exams) anybody who is at the library is going through the same thing you are and will totally understand if you just break down right there. However, for the sake of your own dignity, DO NOT cry on the quiet floor.