The 6 Best Life Hacks For A Girls Night In | The Odyssey Online
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The 6 Best Life Hacks For A Girls Night In

For girls by girls.

The 6 Best Life Hacks For A Girls Night In

Can't get enough of the quirky get togethers with your gal pals that seem to only EVER happen in the summer when people have the time? Who says the fun needs to be over just become the freedom is? Here are some solid and innovative life hacks for an off the wall girl's night that's sure to be one for the books...

6. The Surprise Pot Luck

If you're like me, and the most savory thing anyone your squad can make is buffalo chicken dip, organize a "surprise pot luck"- everyone brings leftovers from the fridge and forms a meal to the best of their ability. Not the classiest thing in the world but it most certainly gets the job done for half the effort.

5. Rewrite the Rules

If it exists...there's a drinking game about it. If your squad is particularly creative, take a board game (the more pieces missing the better) and write your own drinking game. This is definitely easier said than done but its a wild time when done right.

4. Netflix Roulette

Let's be honest with ourselves: even the person with the best attention span in the world couldn't keep up with the frenzy that can be a squad get together. And who in the history of ever has an easy time deciding on a movie? Pull a Netflix Roulette (I'm partial to 90's cartoons) and flip back and forth between hilarious tv shows that aren't time consuming and leave room for conversation.

3. Margar-Literal Rita's

Why dirty up a perfectly good blender making drinks when you can all pile in the car to your nearest Rita's (or insert generic Italian Ice venue), grab your favorite flavor and make the easiest (and best) frozen margaritas you'll ever have in your life? Definitely worth a go.

2. Lazy Girl Cookie Dough

Midnight sugar cravings still not satisfied? Crush up some Chips Ahoy cookies, add a little bit of milk and microwave a quick sugar craving fix.

1. Comfortable Camping

Sleeping bags can now truly be left in the past now that DIY options like sleeping in an inflatable pool, a trampoline or somewhere else in the bougie great outdoors are now readily and cheaply available. (Blow up beds also work for a night under the stars).

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