As most of you know, Pokemon has been a huge part of our generation's life and childhood. Recently, the game called "Pokemon Go" was released and has become the newest craze. All over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., "Pokemon Go" has become a trending topic for a couple of weeks now.
This article is not meant to be a hate ridden piece of work, it is just meant to state the voice different kinds of people during this "Pokemon Go" craze....
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1. Pokemon Haters
Firstly, there are the type of people who hate this game. People who think it was sent from Satan, people who think that this game is the most annoying game to ever exist. These people probably are from a different generation or are just totally fed up with all of the hype over this game. Everywhere they turn, "Pokemon Go" is there haunting them. Reminding them of endless nonsense names of different Pokemon. Reminding them about the fun they are not having.
2. Pokemon Addicts
These are the ride or die types of fans. They were the first to download it and will be the last (if ever) to delete the game from their devices. They go out of their way to catch Pokemon. They are the most savage of fans, they will show no mercy until that Pokemon is captured. An example of this type of person is the guy who walked off a cliff whilst playing the game (true story, look it up). Wherever they go, you best believe their Pokemon Go app is open and ready for battle. You best believe they are the most fit people out there with the amount of walking they do.
3. In-Betweeners
This kind of person is completely torn. They don't know whether to love the game, or hate it. Part of them wants to download it, but the other part of them know they will get addicted and nobody has time for that. This kind of person is annoyed by the craze, but entertained and intrigued at the same time. These types of people are often in denial. They may say they hate the game, but really they are just afraid of becoming too obsessed. Or they don't want to be a part of "this silly generation."
4. Socialites
These people don't know anything about the game or Pokemon in general. They want to meet new people by playing. Their goal is not to "win" or "capture" anything, their goal is to mingle and be there for the social aspect. These types of people can be fun, but they get annoying and complain a lot.
5. Fakers
These types of people are the most annoying. They think they know everything about Pokemon, when really they know nothing. They are into it to say that they are. They don't really care about the game, they may not even think it is fun. They just play it to be like everyone else and to fit in. They make it sound like they love it, but they are only doing it for attention and to maybe even impress someone....