Everyone knows and loves Amy Schumer (well almost everyone), and recently she has been all over the news for her new movie. But even before that, she has been inspiring girls everywhere to be who they are and do what they want, because in reality, who the hell cares what others think.
1. Eat What You Want, When You Want. No Regrets.
Food makes you happy. Be happy.
2. Love Your Body and Understand It May Never Look Like The Other Girls In The Magazine.
I must say, my old idol for body image was Jennifer Lawrence, but she's looking slim and perfect these days, so instead I changed my focus to the woman who isn't perfect and owns it (Bye, J.Law).
3. Embrace Who You Are and Steal That Spotlight.
I have no words, just appreciation.
4. If You Want to Have a Glass Of Wine, or Five... You Drink That Wine and Then You Chase It With Some Vodka.
A glass a day keeps the doctor away, so I can only assume five a day makes you immortal.
5. The Most Important Lesson Queen Amy Has Taught Me...
All Hail, Queen Amy—Never Change.