Well, well, well, it's that time of year again. Midterms. The average college student's second least favorite time of year, behind finals, of course. I'd like to say that everyone studies for a week or longer, but that is far from the truth. There are five main stages that students go through while studying (cramming) for midterms, or any test for that matter. My friend and I went through all of these stages in one day while studying for our psychology midterm. Hopefully you are smarter and start studying sooner rather than later. These are the stages:
1. "Oh I don't need to study until the day before. I mean how hard could it be, right? I'll just look over my notes"
Yeah, no. Every student goes through this first stage of being in-denial about how much studying they actually have to do. We all think that a brief skimming of crappy notes taken in class will do us good, but it will not do much at all. But, we all do it anyway because we're young and naive.
2. Starting to study and thinking, "Oh s***, I know nothing..."
This is the point where you realize you should have started studying earlier and that you are kind of screwed for this test. It's all fun and games until you stare at your study guide and literally know nothing.
3. Freaking out and literally screaming on the floor because you can't memorize seven chapters of information and your friend is all "it's ok...".
You feel like your life is ruined and you won't pass the class and you won't graduate and you won't find a good job and everything will go downhill. Your roommate does not know what to do so a good pat on the back will suffice... I guess?
4. Telling yourself that there is nothing else you can do and "it's only one test".
This is the point where you have studied all you could and your brain cannot hold anymore useless information. You give up and just pray before you take the test. It's only one test right? "I'll do better on the next one"... Sure you will.
5. Finishing the test and living the "TREAT YO SELF" lifestyle.
The test is over and you feel like you did pretty well. You treat yo self to some pizza and a good night out on the town with some friends. Life is great... until finals come around.