We all go through basically the same emotions throughout the winter months. If you live in a climate where you get a lot of snow, you know the struggle of trekking through the snow, cleaning off your car, and bundling up with more layers than should even be possible. No matter how excited you are for winter, you'll be overly ecstatic when the snow melts and spring comes.
1. "I can't wait for winter!"
It's summer, and you're over the intense heat. You can't wait for the cool air to return after a long hibernation. Just the thought of snow covering the once green grass makes you smile. You miss wearing sweaters and boots. Beanie season is right around the corner. You feel like winter can't come soon enough.
2. This is great! I love the snow!
The first snowfall is always the best. Whether it's a light dusting or six inches, you enjoy it. It's been almost an entire year since the last time you saw the ground covered. You can finally break out those cute boots that you bought to keep your feet warm and dry. Everyone is wearing sweaters and scarves for the first time in months. You feel like you're living in a literal winter wonderland.
3. OK, this is getting a little annoying.
Once you have to really clean the snow off of your car, everything starts going downhill. Next thing you know, it's nearly impossible to drive down the road normally without your car in the lowest gear. Nothing is worse than having the roads covered in black ice. Even the sidewalks get icy. Once you fall on your butt, it's on. Winter and you are now in a serious fight, and you're about to lose.
4. I'm 150% done with winter.
The snow, cold, and everything else that comes along with winter can go away now. You're over wearing heavy clothes because, as soon as you walk inside, you break out into a sweat before you can even strip out of your layers. It feels like you're in a war with mother nature. Every morning you go outside to see what she's given you today. Snow? Ice? Maybe it's 60 degrees, but it's going to go back down to a brisk 22 degrees tomorrow. You just can't win.
5. YAY! Spring!
Sure, maybe winter wasn't that long, but spring has finally arrived. Put away your winter coats and break out the shorts, even though it might not be quite warm enough for that just yet. Spring showers are gladly welcome in comparison to blizzards. No more waking up 20 minutes early to defrost your car. Flowers, blooming, and animals are coming out of hibernation. Finally, spring at last.
But wait! That's not it. Just remember that in about nine months, the cycle starts over again!