Spring break was great, the weather was warm, the water was beautiful, and the sun was shining brightly. You're enjoying every moment of your day until you come home and see the scorching redness on your skin. Maybe you forgot sunscreen completely or did not reapply, sadly now the damage is done and you have to go through the healing stages.
1. The shock:
Your skin feels like it is on fire from all the heat and is bright red. You drink lots of water too cool down and are beginning to feel dehydrated. Luckily you do not feel the pain yet. However, you might get cold chills or feel nauseous from your body overheating.
2. The pain:
The second day of a sunburn your skin cells begin to start repairing but this alarms your nervous system of the damage done by the sun meaning intense PAIN. You grab ibuprofen, Tylenol, any pain relieving ailment. You cry as you apply countless amounts of aloe to add moisture to your skin. Sadly this day makes it hard to do anything without feeling hurt.
3. Moisturize:
The redness starts to fade away but that does not get rid of the intense dryness of your skin, so you slather tons of lotions on basically every half-hour in hopes of preventing peeling.
4. Peeling:
Regardless of your hydration efforts you still did not stop the inevitable from happening. The skin begins peeling and you know how to keep calm and not itch no matter how badly you want too. It's time to invest in some hydrocortisone cream to prevent scratching.
5. Recovery:
Finally the skin stops peeling and has replaced itself with a skin tone that is hopefully tanner than your old one, but no matter how tan you are the PTSD of your sunburn will never be worth it.