With all the changes that come with your transition into college life, the worst, is the day it dawns on you, that you are moving into a significantly smaller room that you will now share with another girl, who probably has just as much stuff she "can't live with out" as you do. Here are the emotional stages of moving into your dorm room.
1. Denial
At first, the thought of putting all of your worldly possessions into to one small, almost jail cell like, room is daunting. You're used to your own area, a big bed, more closet space, and now you're being forced to share a room with someone you only know from their Instagram feed.
2. Anger
Realizing that not all of your tee shirts will fit into the too small dresser, and that you won't be able to hang as much clothing as you thought you would be able to, makes you furious at whoever thought this space was big enough for you and another person to live in
3. Bargaining
You begin to think to yourself, "Do I really need my desk? Could I just use it as an extra dresser?"
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
You will come to realize that you can shove more of your stuff into the drawers than you thought you could and you'll end up wearing the same five sweatshirt and legging combinations anyways.