It's pretty likely you have some form of TV streaming service, whether it be Amazon Prime, Hulu, or Netflix. If you don't pay for it yourself, then you likely have the password of your friends, ex-boyfriends account. We tend to consume TV series at alarmingly fast rates instead of savoring them, and before we know it, the show's over. It's always sad to say goodbye to the characters and storylines we were finally getting acquainted with. Here are the stages of grief we go through after we finish a TV series.
1. Denial:
.... That can't be the ending credits. This can't be the last time I'll hear the sounds of this beautiful, beautiful theme song. The last time I see these characters together. NOOOOO.
2. Anger:
Once the theme song is out of your head, you'll be thinking about how the series ended. You either loved or hated the finale, there is no in between. But whether you’re happy with the ending or angrily tweeting at the shows writers about how horrible it was, you're still angry that the show’s over.
3. Bargaining:
At this point, you're holding on to every final fragment of the show that you have left. You're reading interviews and reviews online. You're talking to anyone who will listen about the series. You may even be re-watching the series finale.
4. Depression:
Now there's nothing more for you to hold on to, as you've watched every interview and read every fan theory about the show that's on the internet. The only option left is to re-watch the show, which may end up leaving you bored and resentful. You're officially done with the show, and it hurts.
5. Acceptance:
As you wipe away your tears, a glimmer of hope catches your eyes from your computer screen; a new TV show waiting for you in your queue. A bit unsure at first, you press play, hoping to relieve the pain. 5 minutes in, and you've already forgotten about your old show.
Too bad you'll finish your new series in no time, and the cycle will start all over again.