One Piece is an anime that follows Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who dreams of becoming King of the Pirates. While the show is filled with many moments that are either action-packed, funny, or extremely inspiring. However, there's also other moments that hit you right in the feels, and has you bawling like a baby. Grab a box of tissues, as I show you the top 5 moments.
5. Laboon's Backstory
Laboon is a whale who followed, trained with, and befriended the Rumbar Pirates. He was nothing less than a part of the crew. However, they were reluctant to take him to the dangerous Grand Line, so they left him at Twin Cape in the care of Crocus, with promises that they'd come back to him. Unfortunately, 50 years had passed and they never returned. During that time, Laboon was bashing his head against Reverse Mountain, in an attempt to break it and find the Rumbar Pirates. I literally want to cry, just thinking about this scene.
4. Luffy's Speech to Sanji
After being forced into an arranged marriage, with the threat of Zeff being killed if he resists, Sanji tries to leave the crew. But Luffy wasn't willing to let him do so, which led to a heartbreaking duel between the two of them. What's even more heartbreaking is the speech that Luffy gives when Sanji's carriage is being drawn away.
3. When Nami Stabbed Herself
When Nami was ten years old, her island was taken over by Fishmen pirates led by Arlong. He forced everyone to pay a fee in order to stay alive; a fee that Nami’s family was unable to afford. This led to Arlong killing Nami’s mother right in front of her (Nami and her sister were only able to stay alive due to the other villager’s paying for them). During the whole ordeal, Arlong found a map that Nami had drawn, and quickly recognized her talent in cartography. He enlists her to join his crew, and promised her that if she can give him 100,000,000 beris, he’ll end his reign over Cocoyashi and leave.
After 8 years, Nami almost has enough beris to buy back Cocoyashi. Unfortunately, however, Arlong has corrupt marines confiscate all of Nami’s beris; and tells her to start over or else he’ll kill all the villagers. This leads to this devastating moment, that had me tearing up, despite disliking Nami.
2. Chopper's Backstory
Chopper's backstory had me bawling. He's a reindeer who ate the Human Human Fruit, which essentially made him a reindeer-human hybrid. He has the ability to understand and communicate with humans, as well as easily adapting their mannerisms (like walking on two legs). But why is this so bad?
After being kicked out by his fellow reindeer, he tried to make friends with the villagers on Drum Island. Unfortunately, they were terrified him and immediately started to attacking him, making him an outcast from both humans and reindeer alike. My sweet boy deserved better than this!
1. Ace's Death
After Luffy rescued Ace from being executed by the government, they had to fight off loads of marines. This was fairly easy for them; that is until the deadly Magma Magma Fruit user, Admiral Akainu got involved.
Akainu is a firm believer that someone's bloodline determines how good of a person they are, which made him adamant on killing Luffy and Ace, as they are the respective sons of the Revolutionary Army Leader, Monkey D. Dragon and the former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Akainu actually almost succeeded in killing Luffy, until Ace jumped in front of him, leading to the most devastating moment in the series.
There's plenty of other sad moments in One Piece, but I'll save us the heartbreak from going through more clips. I think I can speak for us all when I say that only thing that can make us more sad is when the series ultimately ends.