School is in full swing, and it's time to study — maybe even all night long. You might be thinking that it's time for an all-nighter. If you've never had an all-nighter, please note that nobody recommends you make all-nighters a habit. Here are some of the greatest tips for surviving your all-nighter.
Do not try to take a nap
"Oh, I'll just rest my eyes for 30 minutes." NO. It never works. If you're going to commit to the all-nighter, you have to commit all-the-way. Unless you're a light sleeper, you will not wake up, you will sleep through alarms, you will miss whatever it is you're preparing for. Prepare yourself for the long haul because naps during an all-nighter just simply don't work.
Stock up on low-sugar caffeines
Black coffee. Teas with high caffeine. Sugar-free Red Bull. While you might want to grab a Monster or Rockstar energy drink, a substantial amount of the energy you get from them comes from the mountain of sugar each has. Instead, opt for a caffeine that'll both keep you up longer and also won't do so much damage to your body. It's OK to have caffeine, but some caffeines are better than others. This means no Venti Frappuccinos for your late-night study session.
They say eat protein, not carbs, so you can conserve the energy you'll need later on in the night. Some of the best proteins can include yogurt, granola or hummus. Protein will only give you energy later in the night, but it will not allow you to crash like other foods that are packed with a fast-acting punch, but leave you groggy later in the night and early morning.
Take breaks from your work
If you're thinking you can sit at a computer for eight hours straight while you try to crank out three months worth of work you're sorely mistaken. Walking around, stretching or even minor workouts can help keep you up by releasing endorphins and keeping your brain active.
Don't make it a habit
Often times, when we're completing an all-nighter it is because we desperately need to do something for the next day. If you can help it, try to do one on a night where your day is low stress, perhaps in advance of a big test or paper. Above all else, do not make all-nighters a habit. If you do one a week, that's pushing it.