Life has had it's fair share of up's and down's, but if I know anything, sometimes both of these things can help you grow. There are five things I've learned that are so important in life, that are more important than anything else in the world. Here's a list of the 5 most important things I've learned in life:
1. Sometimes things aren't fair.
Everyday I wake up knowing something bad will happen in my day. It can be the smallest of things, or the larger of things. I could step in a puddle, or fail a test. No matter what it is something bad will always happen. With that being said, bad things will happen to you regardless of how careful you are. This doesn't mean we need to just give up when they do though. Something bad can happen, it could ruin our day, but it is how we react that makes us stronger overall. I've been raised on the premise that no matter how hard things can be, you can't just give up on yourself.
2. Live you're life.
Don't slow down because you feel things will be more enjoyable later in life. You have years to study and sit back and do nothing but that. You have years to work nine to five days every day. Live while you're young. If you wait to have fun when you're older you'll go and lose the most important years of you're entire life. Go party when you can, go hang out when you can, go follow dreams if you can. Go out and live that life.
3. Discover yourself.
Go out into the world and enjoy the things life has to offer that you like. If you're favorite thing in the world is too hang back and party in you're favorite place or city, make sure you do that. Find the person you like to be and don't let anyone dictate how you should act. If you are being the person you hate, you're doing something wrong. You should never change to fit the wants or needs of others. You should always be yourself at every single point in life, because the minute you try to please others, the minute you'll realize you have changed. Be yourself, and discover yourself.
4. Listen to you're elders.
If I can tell you something you always should do, you should listen to you're elders. Whether it's you're parents, grandparent's or you're friend's parent's, you need to listen to the older bunch of people. They have lived most of their life and they for sure know more than anything that we can know. No matter how much we think we know we truly don't know anything. The older people you find solace in, and the older people you love to death are the people you need to trust fully. If they tell you say or do something you should just listen because they have probably been through it once or twice before. They have faced the same problems we have faced and they truly know how to help when we are in a pickle.
5. Do what you love.
If you want to do something and you want to make a career out of it, go ahead and take the steps to do it. Just do it. When you pursue something you know you're going to hate you're life will be miserable. Do what makes you happy and no matter what happens, just know you will be able to make a career out of doing what you love no matter what you do. If you want to be a radio caster, go and do it. If you want to be an author or lay down the law being a lawyer, then go and take those steps to do it.
Last but not least, love early and often. Love yourself and the things you do and I promise you'll be very happy.