College can be a big and scary place for anyone, but it's a lot more challenging when you have an anxiety disorder. Under this umbrella of different disorders there are many men and women who spend each day conquering campus. Every place is a possible trigger for that little anxious feeling to begin, but there seems to be a few places that is a common hotbed for anxiety. Here are the top five places on campus that causes the most amount of anxiety:
1. The Cafeteria
One thing that affects anxious people is their ability to make choices. There are too many "what ifs" to think about when it comes to making any decisions, this even includes what to eat. Knowing this, you can see why a normal place like the cafeteria would be an endless hell. Besides all of the options, there’s the issue of being around so many people. There are people literally everywhere which gives you no time to eat alone. While eating there are crazy thoughts running through your head about whether people are looking at you or whether people think you’re a loser because you’re by yourself. It’s enough to make someone want to dine and dash as quickly as they can.
2. The Classroom
While sitting in class your brain is spinning around to create all of these crazy thoughts that people without anxiety don’t have to deal with. There are thoughts about whether you’re moving too much, or whether you’re going to make odd slurping noises if you take a sip of your water. Suddenly your heart starts to race because you remember you have a test tomorrow so now you’re into your thoughts more than what the professor is talking about. The worst part by far is class participation, especially if it’s for a grade. You’re forced to raise your hand and come up with a point that you think your peers will actually care about. Just trying to do that makes you want to throw up so you have to psych yourself up enough to actually raise your hand, but by the time you do the conversation is ten light years away from the topic you want to comment on.
3. The Coffee Shop
Coffee shops are one of the only places on campus most anxious people feel comfortable because it’s acceptable to be alone there. It’s not odd to see someone alone sipping on coffee and working on homework. The issue comes when you try to order a drink. There are so many drinks to choose from, but there are also a lot of odd names for the drink types, sizes, and flavors. You almost need a PhD to figure out how to say what you want. The fear of stuttering or messing up your order is so overwhelming that you start to repeat your own order in your head over and over until the barista finally asks you what you want. Most of the time you end up either stuttering, coming off rude because you’re so focused on getting the order out of your mouth, or you end up ordering the wrong thing because it’s easier to just order a regular coffee.
4. The Printers
No matter how many printers there are on campus there will never be enough. This means an anxious person has to strategically plan when and where to use the printers. They usually have a mental map of all the printers and a list of the best times to use them. You’ll usually go out of your way to use the printers or leave for class unbelievably early just to make sure you’ll have enough time to print things in case the planned printer is out of order, which tends to happen often. Even then there is always a long line of people who seem to appear behind you the second you put your hand on the mouse. This line of people are always menacing and seem to huff at you for each minute you’re on the printer. There is so much pressure to log onto the printer, print, and leave that all you want to do is run.
5. The Dorm Bathroom
This is one place that can make anybody nervous, but it can really take a toll on those with anxiety. It’s very uncomfortable to do personal things like shower or go to the bathroom in a space where there are always people coming in and out at the same time. In reality no one cares what you’re doing and everyone wants to keep to themselves, but the anxiety makes you feel like the whole world is watching and listening to every move you make. It can be the most uncomfortable part of the day by far, but it’s something that is necessary for basic college survival.