Being single is great but there are just some things about having a boyfriend that are pretty darn great.
1. You always have someone to do cute things with.
All those Pinterest dates and movie scene dates are finally in your reach! Not to mention, with all the great holidays coming up, there are so many cute things to do! Pumpkin picking, haunted houses, ice skating, walking in the snow...endless adorable ideas!
2. You never have to worry about being cold.
You get chilly when you're with your guy? Fear not! You know there's a warm hug in your future. Or better yet...his hoodie!!
3. If you're lucky, he always shares his food.
He ordered himself a 2am pizza? You got yourself a slice. He got something that looks super yummy when you're out to dinner? You can bet you'll get to try it. He makes some surprisingly delicious microwave tacos? get the picture.
4. You always have someone to vent to.
If you've got some drama going on or you're just having a bad day, it's nice to know you've got someone who'll listen and hug you till it gets better.
5. You've got a personal bodyguard.
Gotta walk somewhere at nighttime? Call the bodyguard! Heard a scary noise in your apartment alone? Call the bodyguard! Need someone to kill a really big bug? Call the bodyguard!
There are so many awesome things about having a boyfriend that aren't even on this list. The best thing though is having someone who really understands you and who you know will be there for you no matter what. All the silly stuff is great too but having someone you truly care about is definitely the best.