Finals season doesn’t officially conclude when I take my last final. Oh no, Finals only truly end once I finally get all of my grades back. And you know what? Waiting is the worst part about finals week. I would much rather actually take finals than wait for my scores to come back. But I realize that not all of you might feel like this. So, I have compiled a list of the people that you will encounter after you finish your last final.
- The Obsessed:
You definitely know someone like this. Perhaps you are even like this. You check your email constantly to see if any grades have been posted. And I mean constantly. You check your grades so much that it feels like there was not a time that you weren’t constantly worrying about or checking your grades. Alternatively, if your final was a paper, you double check that you sent the paper to the right person at least three times a day (seriously, would it kill the professor to send a response letting you know that they received the paper???). You are a nervous wreck 24/7 and you barely sleep because of the anxiety. Don’t try to tell this person that GPA doesn’t matter.
- The Nonchalant:
This type of person has had enough of finals week. They are done stressing about school. The Nonchalant might say, “After all, what good will worrying do you? It’s not like you are going to worry yourself to an A.” This person might check their grades once a day and/or only when they get an email notification. Otherwise, they are looking forward to a month of doing nothing.
This type of person will put off facing their grades until the following semester. Once they end their last final, they are on vacation and no force on Earth will be able to motivate them to check their grades.
- The “I already know what I got”
Depending on the situation, this person will either seriously annoy you or seriously depress you. If this person is bragging, unfriend them because you don’t need that type of person in your life. Alternatively, if this person looks like they are about to star in “Les Mis,” let them know that they probably fine.