Do I even *need* an introduction for this one? I mean, duh! They're right there, every time you look at a correct, full English alphabet. Here they are, ranked.
1. A
Can't argue with that.
Recommended for you
2. B
B is a natural second.
3. C
C as in cat. Or clockwork, because making this list is like clockwork.
4. D
This one will get you.
5. E
E is alive and well.
6. F
Always sixth, always has been.
7. G
You know it.
8. H
Oh, H...
9. I
Also known as "Lowercase L."
10. J
11. K
Oh boy, don't get me started on K.
12. L
L for listicle.
13. M
What a trickster!
14. N
Is that a Z hiding sideways? )Scratches head.)
15. O
The wisest letter.
16. P
17. Q
Is Q (really) a letter? It must be, I guess.
18. R
19. S
Look out for S, it will sneak up on you just like that!
20. T
The bold #20.
21. U
22. V
This is like M with the two vertical lines removed. Coincidence? Probably.
23. W
The Wikipedia logo is indeed the 23rd letter of the English alphabet.
24. X
Who even put this on here?
25. Y
Because! LOL.
26. Z
(Drops mic.)
And that concludes the English alphabet. Agree? Disagree? Drop a comment below! Share!