This election is driving me crazy. Between the scandals, emails, plagiarism and just about everything else, America needs a hero. If only Leslie Knope was real and could come save the day.
1. This entire election.
Honestly America, who are we? This election is like the blind leading the blind and choosing the lesser of the evil. Near impossible if you ask for my humble opinion. If Leslie doesn't understand it, there is no hope for any of us.
2. Those emails, though.
There is literal evidence that she is a criminal. But she is running for president. She even made a joke about it by saying how she joined Snapchat and loved that the messages disappeared by themselves. Sketchy Clinton, sketchy.
3. When Trump said he'd date his daughter.
This just ain't right.
4. When Clinton said that her husband has never lied to her.
I mean are you sure? Seems like there was at least ONE time...
5. When Trump made fun of a handicapped reporter.
Not cool Trump, at all. PR nightmare to the max and your team must hate you.
6. The fact that Clinton contradicts herself almost always.
There are over a dozen times where Clinton has contradicted herself during many of her speeches from the present and past. It is so much that all I can do is laugh.
7. When Trumps wife basically stole some of Michelle Obama's speech.
I get that it was just a little section of the speech that was plagiarized, but really? You couldn't even change it just a little. Like a few words probably would've been a little better.
This entire election is draining the life and years out of me. The only good thing that came out of this election is probably all the memes of all the candidates. I think we should all just write in Leslie Knope in the ballot. For the love of all that is sane and good.