“There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court's unanimous verdict has validated our belief."
- Mrs. Coretta Scott King.
In 1999, a trial occurred that was not covered by most of the mainstream media. This trial was between the family of Martin Luther King Jr., Loyd Jowers, as well as "other unknown conspirators" involved with the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. After one hour of deliberations, the jury involved in this case reached an unanimous verdict that Martin Luther King's death was a result of a conspiracy based on the testimonies of 70 witnesses and the revealing of staggering evidence for nearly a month.
William Peppers, the lawyer for the king family during the time, had been investigating this case for over 30 years at the point of the trial, and as a result of this investigation, he had discovered that Mr. Jowers, the Mafia, local, state, and federal government agencies were involved in the assasination of this man. Notice that James Earl Ray was not found to be the shooter in this situation. William Peppers himself took the opportunity to speak with him, only to find that James Earl Ray was far too incapable to be the one to fire the shot. James Earl Ray even voiced that he was set up during the assassination. This affirms that James Earl Ray was set up to carry the blame of the assassination.
Although I am only stating the facts, I encourage the reader to see for his or herself the truth of this matter.
Why is it that such an important case is unknown to most people? Is it that people choose to hear part of the truth and not the whole truth? I believe so. If the opposite were true, this trial would have been published on the news all throughout the world.
To conclude, what are we to do with this truth? What does this say about America? I agree with the words of Mrs. Coretta Scott King during the closing statements of the trial. "My husband once said, 'The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.'
To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury's verdict clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.” I believe that what we can take from this situation is firstly a deeper understanding of the willingness of Martin Luther King Jr. to take a stand for the equality of African Americans and people as a whole, despite of the many hardships and struggles he and many others faced. What we can take away from his life and legacy is largely shown in his final speech. With humility in his voice, Martin said, "...we've got some difficult days ahead, but it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop...and I don't mind (it).
Like anybody I would like to live a long life, longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned with that now. I just want to do God's will. And He (God) has allowed me to go to up to the mountain, and I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the promised land!" I believe Martin displayed an act of selflessness here, as he had done so much in his life. I have watched his last speech over and over again, and ever time that I do so I get the feeling that he was aware that he would have to sacrifice his life for the cause that he stood up for.
That is why he spoke on reaching the mountaintop, and the possibility of not making it to the "promised land". I believe that it is easy to look Martin Luther King in the eyes during in his last speech and see that he knew that there was a good chance that he wouldn't be able to see the harvest of what he had sown, yet he persisted in delivering his timeless speech. This is why I have such a high respect for King. He was aware that he would suffer for he stood for. But because of the love of Christ in his heart, he chose to serve the people to the point of death. From the life of Martin Luther King, much fruit was birthed. Just 12 days after his death, the sanitation workers that he came to give his final speech for gained higher wages and better work environments.
We must realize that although there are people who are going to stand in the way of those who are willing to do what is right, each of us must do what he or she is called to do in our short lives. We must carry ourselves in a posture of service, for that, my friends, is the essence of life.