As the weeks go by, we find ourselves fast approaching the end of another great year at Oregon State University. While we are all Busy Beavers, we also realize postponing studying is frustratingly easy to do when we are faced with enticing alternatives, like, you know, riding our rollerblades and pretty much everything else.
Here are the 15 thoughts of dead week, from start to finish.
1. No, it's not dead week.
I just got the syllabus, like, last week.
2. Sh*t.
It is. It is dead week.
3. I will have plenty of time to study.
This is fine. I'll just calculate what I have to get on my final exam in order to get an A and I'll be fine.
4. Why didn't I S/U during week 7?
OK, great. I did the math and I just need to get 109 percent to keep a C-.
5. How late is American Dream open?
How am I supposed to focus on an empty stomach? I need to give my body energy. I'll take a quick trip to American Dream. Tomato sauce is on pizza, tomatoes are on salad; pizza is salad, basically.
6. When was the last time I went to class?
How am I supposed to write this paper when I didn't go to class? I mean, I was so close to getting out of bed for my 8 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I never made it. Now I am expected to write ten pages?
7. Wait, The Bachelorette is on tonight!
She better not give Drunk Canadian a rose this week.
8. Let's see if I have any new Tinder matches.
If JoJo can find love, so can I.
9. I haven't checked social media in about three and a half minutes.
Even if I don't want to get on Facebook, my fingers automatically type it in. Oh, look, it's Thomas-from-middle-school's birthday. I should write on his wall. Hold up, why is that woman in a Chewbacca mask? Where can I get one?
10. Now is the perfect time to start that new cross-stitch kit grandma bought me for my 13th birthday.
What self affirmation should I stitch this time?
11. Am I happy?
Do I even want to go to college? Am I being brainwashed? Isn't it all part of the system and aren't I just another cog in the machine?
12. Seriously, it's time to study. No more games.
First, I need some study music. T-pain? No, that was last week, but this bump and grind playlist on Spotify is good.
13. I need to self-assess my knowledge.
It's time to take the practice quiz.
Easy. Nailed it. I got this week on lockdown.
14. My exam is in less than 24 hours.
Well, my exam is tomorrow morning. Why do I do this to myself? The four cups of coffee are working, though. I'm reading through my notes like:
15. I'm ready. Show time, baby.
In the end, I buckled down and got it done. I may be out a few hours of sleep but dam, I am one smart beaver.
Ultimately, Beaver Nation rises to the occasion. We aren't afraid of a challenge and have no problem dedicating ourselves to what we love. We keep our nose in the books so we can excel in the classroom and we keep our circles wide so we can appreciate our friends. Oregon State students know how to live the best of both worlds. Keep it up, Beavers, summer is almost here.