The end of winter break is a bittersweet time. Although there is no place like home, you miss your dorm sweet dorm. Despite the fact that you are excited to return to college, you still have to endure the struggles of snapping out of break mode and switching into work mode.
These are the 15 stages that all college students go through when returning to school after break.
1. After weeks of lounging around home and doing nothing, you become extremely bored.
2. The extreme boredom you face leads you to become super excited about returning to school.
3. However, as the end of break nears, your excitement turns to dread.
4. Your professors start to post book lists and syllabuses and you start to second guess your decision to return to school.
5. And you start to become overly attached to your hometown friends and family and never want to part with them.
6. You try your best to ignore the fact that the beginning of the semester is rapidly approaching.
7. But soon all of your friends begin returning to school and you realize that you can no longer avoid the inevitable.
8. You finally come to terms with the fact that you have to return to school and begin to accept the challenge.
9. You become very optimistic about the semester, telling yourself it will be your best semester yet.
10. You arrive back at school eager to start your classes and reunite with your friends.
11. You spend the time before classes start relishing in your regained freedom and beginning of the semester happiness.
12. The night before classes begin you pump yourself up for the semester ahead, going to bed early so you are ready for the day ahead.
13. During your first week of classes, you are super motivated and confident about your classes.
14. Then homework and projects start piling up and you take a seat on the struggle bus.
15. Within the first few weeks, you are so over school, abandoning all the goals you set for yourself, counting down the days until your next break.
Only four months to go!