Everyone has their sickness. Some people get bronchitis every spring, others – like myself – get a sinus infection every winter. And some unlucky saps get strep every time it goes around. Once you become an adult who has to deal with your own sickness, you begin to notice the emotional phases you go through each and every cold and flu season without fail... kind of like grief. It sucks, you hate it, and it’s the same game every dang time. For those of you blossoming adults with declining immune systems who are beginning to see what I’m talking about, here’s the all too relatable truth:
Stage 1: Fear
Oh my gosh, was that a cough? How many times have I blown my nose today? Is that nausea I feel? Did I share my drink with Sick Steve at the party last night?
Stage 2: Denial
No, I was just clearing my throat. It’s just my allergies. Maybe the milk I drank earlier was expired. Sick Steve totally had his own drink.
Stage 3: Defense
It’s fine, it’s no big deal. I’ll buy all the good stuff to help my immune system bulk up: orange juice, Emergen-c, Dayquil, Nyquil, whatever-will-stop-this-quil. Ain’t nobody got time to be sick!
Stage 4: Further Defense
Wake up, vitamin C, caffeine, 18 sweaters, go to class, work, and power through. Until someone comments, “You look terrible!”
Stage 5: Surrender
Fine, World. You want me to be sick? I’m sick. I surrender. I’m going home.
Stage 6: False Hope
I’m going home. I’ll sleep it off and feel better in the morning. I can already feel my throat getting less scratchy. Wait, nope...it’s back. Nevermind.
Stage 7: Reaching Out
I hate the doctor. Why are they never on time? Why is the waiting room so cold? Can’t I just tell them how much I weigh? I’m already sick, I really don’t need to hate myself any more right now.
Stage 8: Angry Tweeting @Walgreens
They had one job.
Stage 9: Defeat
Finally home, in bed, medicated, with crackers and Gatorade at hand. Time to rest up.
Stage 10: FOMO
Wow, not only do I feel terrible, but my friends are having a great time at dinner without me! The emotional pain could not cut any deeper.
Stage 11: Restlessness
I have to get out of this bed. I have watched all of Jessica Jones, season four of New Girl, two sappy rom-coms, and started The X-Files. Enough is enough.
Stage 12: Relocation
The view from the couch is nice. It’s different here. I feel a bit more like a real person out here in the living room.
Stage 13: Panic
I’ve been sick for so long! (Two days.) This has gone on forever. I’m not getting any better and I might indeed be dying.
Stage 14: Hope (Actual Hope This Time)
You know what, I think I actually can breathe a little better this time. I could eat something that’s not soup. Or even go five minutes without coughing if I wanted to!
Stage 15: Praise
Thank thee, Heavens above and Universe around me. I shall never again take for granted an able body and a healthy immune system. I shall wake each day with a thankful heart and live as if it is my last. I will go to the gym, eat healthy, and sleep normal hours to keep this temple that is my body in proper functioning condition.
…At least until the next time strep goes around.