The 14 Most Popular Fantasy Book Series | The Odyssey Online
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The 14 Most Popular Fantasy Book Series

A list of the most popular fantasy books, with something for most age groups!

The 14 Most Popular Fantasy Book Series

For any writer or reader, books are everything. So, here is my list of the most popular book series you should read! They are listed in no particular order, but include the books from each series in the order they should be read in!

*Note: Some of these books may contain adult content!

1. The "Harry Potter" Series by J.K. Rowling

"Harry Potter" is my favorite series of all time. It is so much more than a series of books for children. "Harry Potter" teaches values and life lessons for any age. And, I must say, Hogwarts is an epic invention!

1- "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the U.S.A.)

2- "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

3- "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"

4- "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

5- "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

6- "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

7- "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

2. The "Maximum Ride" Novels by James Patterson

The "Maximum Ride Series" is very different to other teen novels in that author James Patterson holds nothing back. He is brutally honest with both his explanations and his character development.

1- "The Angel Experiment"

2- "School's Out Forever"

3- "Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports"

4- "The Final Warning"

5- "MAX: A Maximum Ride Novel"

6- "Fang: A Maximum Ride Novel"

7- "Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel"

8- "Nevermore: The Final Maximum Ride Adventure"

3. "Vampire Academy" Series by Richelle Mead

If you love vampires and romance with a different twist this is the series for you. Full of action, adventure and a bit of romance, anyone would be crazy not to sink their teeth into these books!

1- "Vampire Academy"

2- "Frostbite"

3- "Shadow Kiss"

4- "Blood Promise"

5- "Spirit Bound"

6- "Last Sacrifice"

4. "The Hunger Games Trilogy" by Suzanne Collins

Another of my favorites, and banned in many schools, "The Hunger Games Trilogy" is so much more than it seems. If you like a bit of suspense, action and romance, this is for you. The series is also very well written!

1- "The Hunger Games"

2- "Catching Fire"

3- "Mockingjay"

5. "Inheritance Cycle" by Christopher Paolini

These books have depth. That is the main thing I can say about them. You never know what is coming next and that is a big breath of fresh air.

1- "Eragon"

2- "Eldest"

3- "Brisingr"

4- "Inheritance"

6. "Blood Coven" by Mari Mancusi

The "Blood Coven" books move fast. They are serious and funny all at the same time. The best part is the parallels between the sisters: one wants in and one wants out!

1- "Boys that Bite"

2- "Stake That!"

3- "Girls That Growl"

4- "Bad Blood"

5- "Night School"

6- "Blood Ties"

7- "Soul Bound"

8- "Blood Forever"

7. "Soul Seekers" Series by Alyson Noel

These books are very different. The girl is a Soul Seeker, someone with the ability to move between the worlds of the living and the dead!

1- "Fated"

2- "Echo"

3- "Mystic"

4- "Horizon"

8. "The Wolves of Mercy Falls" by Maggie Stiefvater

A new twist on the typical werewolf story perfect for anyone who likes wolves. The shapeshifters are human in the summer and wolf in the winter!

1- "Shiver"

2- "Linger"

3- "Forever"

9. The "Twilight" Saga by Stephenie Meyer

Although this series received much criticism for the writing style, these books are a must read for anyone who loves the supernatural. The author truly immerses herself in the story and writes as though she really is a teenage girl fighting her way through high school and dealing with strange phenomena!

1- "Twilight"

2- "New Moon"

3- "Eclipse"

4- "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" (novella)

5- "Breaking Dawn"

10. "The Mortal Instruments" by Cassandra Clare

These books have a serious plot and the best use of atmosphere I have ever seen. The author truly sets the stage and if you close your eyes and think of what you just read, you can imagine it just as easily as seeing the words on the page!

1- "City of Bones"

2- "City of Ashes"

3- "City of Glass"

4- "City of Fallen Angels"

5- "City of Lost Souls"

7- "City of Heavenly Fire"

11. "Black Dagger Brotherhood" by J.R. Ward

An ongoing series, these books are one of the few ADULT CONTENT sets I would recommend. There is sexual content, but overall the books give a look into a world unlike any other, that of Vampire Royalty!

1- "Dark Lover"

2- "Lover Eternal"

3- "Lover Awakened"

4- "Lover Revealed"

5- "Lover Unbound"

6- "Lover Enshrined"

7- "Lover Avenged"

8- "Lover Mine"

9- "Lover Unleashed"

10- "Lover Reborn"

11- "Lover at Last"

12- "The King"

12. "Fallen Saga" by Lauren Kate

Another angel series, with a bit of romance thrown in. This series is very interesting in that it makes you question what you have been told and leads you on a quest to find answers just as much as the main characters!

1- "Fallen"

2- "Torment"

3- "Passion"

4- "Fallen in Love" (novella)

5- "Rapture"

13. "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" by Rick Riordan

A series marketed towards older children, this is an epic series about a 12-year-old boy who is half human, half god. We follow Percy's quest to learn who he really is and find out all about Camp Halfblood!

1- "The Lightning Thief"

2- "Sea of Monsters"

3- "The Titan's Curse"

4- "The Battle of the Labyrinth"

5- "The Last Olympian"

14. "Blue Bloods" by Melissa de la Cruz

An historical upper class society view of vampires and their lives. This series is sure to satisfy any fan of historical romance or vampire fantasy!

1- "Blue Bloods"

2- "Masquerade"

3- "Revelations"

4- "The Van Alen Legacy"

5- "Misguided Angel"

6- "Lost In Time"

7- "Gates of Paradise"

> "Keys to the Repository" (companion novel)

> "Bloody Valentine" (novella) (slight Wolf Pact prequel)

8- "Wolf Pact" (Companion to Blue Bloods)

> published as a 4-part e-book in the U.S.A.

> published as a paperback novel in the UK

These amazing authors love what they do and so do we, because it means we can read their awesome stories! What are your favorite books to read? Did they make my list?

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