The 13 Worst TV Show Characters | The Odyssey Online
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The 13 Worst TV Show Characters

Warning: Spoilers ahead

The 13 Worst TV Show Characters
NY Daily News

As an avid television show watcher I have formed emotional ties to many fictional characters. On the other hand, it is just as easy to love a character as it is to hate one. Here's a list of some of the worst TV show characters of all time.

1. Karen Smith, "Shameless"

She was honestly my inspiration to write this article in the first place. Karen has done so many horrible things—she was awful to her mom and Jody, abandoned her baby, and, worst of all, she broke Lip's heart too many times. I did feel bad for her when Mandy Milkovich hit her with the car though...

2. Dan Scott, "One Tree Hill"

I am convinced that Dan Scott was actually pure evil. Sure, he redeemed himself in the later seasons and eventually got his family to forgive him. But I cannot look past how horrible he was to Lucas and Karen. He was always ruining someone's life in one way or another, and I will NEVER forgive him for killing Keith.

3. Gemma Teller, "Sons of Anarchy"

Gemma was always getting in the middle of Jax's business and sticking her nose where it didn't belong. Most of the things she did could have been forgiven if she hadn't killed Tara in the most gruesome way possible—seriously, I could barely stomach that scene. It was ultimately her fault that her grandsons are now going to grow up without parents and without a grandmother—at least Jax got his revenge on her before he died.

4. Georgina Sparks, "Gossip Girl"

I hated the episodes that had Georgina in them, to be honest. She loved to ruin everyone's lives just for fun only to leave town for everyone else to clean up her mess. Georgina made Dan believe that he was the father of her baby, got him attached, and then revealed that she was lying the whole time. So mean.

5. Spencer Pratt, "The Hills"

The Hills was a reality TV show that we later found out was scripted. So in my opinion, Spencer counts as a character—in more ways than one. Anyone who watched this knew he was the worst. He started that awful rumor about LC and was the reason she and Heidi stopped being friends. Spencer even freaked out when LC and his sister Stephanie became friends and tried to break that up too. Just awful.

6. Vee Parker- Orange is the New Black

Vee was extremely manipulative of all of the women in Litchfield. Her past with Taystee showed how cruel and exploitative of a person she truly was. Vee came in and upset the entire order of Litchfield and even took advantage of Crazy Eyes.

7. Eli/Rowan Pope- Scandal

The beginning seasons of Scandal made you feel bad for Eli because the show depicted him as a simple museum worker who was desperately trying to have a relationship with his adult daughter, Olivia. Then we find out he is the leader of B6-13, a top secret organization that specializes in killing and torturing people. He is constantly manipulating and scrutinizing Olivia, and he is the one who took poor Huck away from his family and turned him into a killing machine.

8. Lucious Lyon- Empire

Lucious' childhood was anything but happy and that makes you want to have sympathy for his character, but I'm pretty sure Lucious doesn't have a soul. He let Cookie take the blame for a crime and didn't even visit her while she was in jail for all those years. Lucious is always bashing Jamal for being gay and turns his back on his family members whenever they do something that he doesn't like.

9. Ted Moseby- How I Met Your Mother

Mitchum was one of the few antagonists in a show where pretty much all of the characters were lovable (except Dean). So it was pretty easy to dislike him—especially when he had the nerve to tell Rory she would make a good assistant. Just an assistant? Really?

11. Tori Scott- Saved By The Bell

Saved By the Bell was popular way before my time, but I have still seen every episode. This may seem like a random choice, but I've always hated Tori's character. She came into the show randomly and eventually started dating Zack. But we all know that Zack and Kelly always belonged together—which probably explains my distaste for Tori.

12. Agent June Stahl- Sons of Anarchy

Agent Stahl was terrible. She was a dirty cop and was responsible for so many deaths that she tried to cover up, including Opie's wife, which was so heartbreaking to watch. Stahl was even responsible for Jax's newborn son getting kidnapped by the IRA. Thankfully, we got much needed closure in Season 3 when Opie finally got his revenge on her.

13. Matt Bevers- Broad City

Bevers is actually the roommate from hell. He doesn't pay rent, doesn't contribute to groceries, sleeps in Abbi's bed when she's not there, eats all the food—the list goes on and on. Bevers isn't even Abbi's roommate, his girlfriend is, but she's never there so he just freeloads.

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