The sun stays up longer, the flowers have begun to bloom, baseball season is in full swing, greenery fills the city...and pollen is wreaking havoc - it's officially allergy season.
If you struggle with allergies, you know how miserable this season can be. No amount of Zyrtec and Flonase can cure the sniffly, stuffy life you are living. Moreover, everyone's car is caked in yellow frosting, making it literally impossible to escape.
I present to you, the 14 stages of allergy season:
1. Ah, you have survived the bitter winter, and the flowers are blooming once again.
2. Then, a gust of wind blows...
3. And it begins to rain pollen.

4. Your car has turned yellow overnight...amazing!

5. Pollen literally clings to your body whenever you walk outside.
6. You sneeze once and know that this is only the beginning of a long, painful allergy season.
7. Every day a new symptom arises.
8. Mouth breathing is the only way to go...seriously, you've probably forgotten that you have nostrils by now.

9. You stock up on tissues/allergy meds/eye drops, even though you know nothing can save you now.
10. Being asked "are you crying?" like, 10 times a day.
11. Avoiding the outdoors at all costs.

12. You're basically a walking tissue box.

13. You swear to never take your health for granted again.

14. #deathbypollen2k18

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