Seeing your best friend is always an exciting time, but especially so when you and your best friend no longer live near each other. Regardless of how much you text or how many times you talk on the phone, nothing will beat when you and your friend get to physically see each other again. Of course with this reunion comes various stages leading up to the moment when you two finally get to be in each other's presence again.
1. It doesn't matter how much you've texted, you're still pumped to see them.
No amount of texting, phone calls, or videochats have prepared you for seeing them in person again.
2. The day before the reunion seems to drag because you are too excited.
You're simply too excited to be able to focus on anything else other than the reunion that's soon to happen.
3. The day of the reunion arrives and you're too pumped to focus on anything else.
The day has finally arrived and good luck to anyone if they try to get in the way of this moment.
4. There's a lot of jumping and squealing when the moment finally arrives.
5. A lot of compliments are given when seeing each other.
Compliments start spilling out of your mouth like lava from a volcano. Anything and everything is complimented, how pretty they look, if they've lost weight, or how happy they seem.
6. You start spilling about your life like the chapter synopses on Sparknotes.
You have a lot that you have to catch up on so you start talking about the major moments that have happened to since you two have last seen each other.
7. You're dying to learn about everything that has happened to them since you last saw them.
Of course, you're excited to talk about your own life but you're genuinely interested in hearing about their life and their accomplishments as well.
8. You're completely enthralled by details of their sex life or lack thereof.
Anything and everything is discussed, and of course there's absolutely no judgment.
9. You start reminiscing and bringing up inside jokes.
Sure the present is fun but nothing compares to that one hilarious moment that happened years ago that still to this day makes you two burst into tears from laughing so hard.
10. You start talking about your other friend's lives and catching up with them.
Now that you two have caught up on your lives, you begin discussing the lives of your friends that you haven't seen in a long time either.
11. You start talking about your plans for the future and if they've changed.
Life is hard and constantly changing, which leads to changes in plans. Maybe last time you were together you were set on traveling the world but now you want to go to grad school, these are changes that will be discussed in-depth.
12. And of course you have to take a picture so people know you're back together.
Obviously, this is a momentous occasion so this reunion not only needs to be documented for your sake but also to let the other people in your life know that you and your best friend are finally together again.