The holiday season is quickly approaching. Coming first to bat, is one of our nation's most widely celebrated, turkey-based holiday event of the year... Thanksgiving! There are so many wonderful things about this holiday, time of the year, and season. There is a different energy that encompasses the holiday season opposed to the normal mundane-like routine that fills the rest of our calendar. It is a time to step back, chill, relax, eat good food, be with friends and family, and most importantly... to be thankful.
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1. It's Thanksgiving!
The fact that it is Thanksgiving and we have made it this far as college students should be celebration enough!
2. No school!
Thanksgiving break! The time where we sleep-deprived, energy-deprived and overall joy-deprived students can go home get some rest, eat non-dining hall food, and feel human again before we go back for final exams!
3. It's American.
The fact that this holiday is American is reason enough to love Thanksgiving. Also, how awesome is America for making a holiday solely for the purpose of being thankful? Good job, America!
4. Food!
One of the best and one my favorite parts of the entire Thanksgiving season is the food! Who doesn't love turkey, yams, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and all of the other delicious, succulent foods our amazing loved ones so gracefully cook for us and what we so gazingly adore!
5. Black Friday!
BOGO galore, bargains in-store and everything in between, Black Friday is the premier time to get the necessary Christmas gifts for loved ones at a fraction of the original price. My word of advice, however, is to stay safe! Remember: it's only things! Don't hurt or push the poor old lady in front of you to get the last of some wanted item...respect your elders!
6. Family
While away at school, one of the number one things I miss about home is my family. Being a few hours away or however far away from home while at college has made me appreciate my family even more. It's so nice to be able to come back together, to reconnect, and to see how everyone is doing in their own lives.
7. Friends
While away at college, it can be hard to miss the friends you leave behind or who live back in your hometown. Going home for Thanksgiving break means you get to reconnect and be your true silly selves with each other.
8. Football
One of the most anticipated events during the day of Thanksgiving, besides the turkey, is the Thanksgiving football game. While not everyone watches this, it is for some, a ritually sacred part of the Thanksgiving experience.
9. Being Thankful
During this time of the season, it's good to slow down from all of the hectic and confusing parts of life and to just smile, be thankful, and to realize all that we truly have. A whole lot more than we realize, right?
10. Macy's Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade
For some (especially myself), watching Macy's Annual Thanksgiving Parade is one of the best parts of the day. Seeing all of the different floats, performances whether dancing or singing can put many in a joyful mood.
11. Everything Pumpkin!
With Thanksgiving, comes one of my favorite words... "pumpkin". Anything and everything pumpkin make me nothing less than overjoyed! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin spice latte, and pumpkin scented things are all aspects I wait for till this season rolls around.
12. After Thanksgiving Comes... Christmas!!!
The last and one of the most wonderful things about Thanksgiving is what comes after it... Christmas! As my overall, favorite holiday of the year, you can expect nothing less of my Christmas cheer than in the image shown above.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break! Make sure to eat tons of food, sleep in, and to spend time with family and friends !