It gets to the best of us. No matter if you are a widely acclaimed author, the most researched scholar or a terrible procrastinator (like me), you have to face "writer's block." In all forms of writer's block, you feel worthless, uninspired and terrible. You're also guaranteed that at least over the course of this article, I was hit with the dreaded writer's block at least 20 times... minimum. Here are 11 of those moments we all feel when hit by writer's block.
1. You know you have to writesomething.
The first step to getting writers block? Having to write. The constant thought process of deciding what you're going to write is like watching bread go stale. Nothing happens.
2. Minutes turn into hours, which turn into days.
In the midst of thinking of your topic, you don't realize how much time you've wasted. You watched the entire last season of "Portlandia," and you feel accomplished. But what don't you have? Writing, that's what.
3. Looking at a computer screen becomes infuriating.
The glow. The staring. Microsoft Word. It all becomes your enemy.
4. What are words?
I mean, really? What are those? Have you ever thought about how we decided up on the English language? Who decided to spell "kumquat?"
5. What are these feelings?
As you start to contemplate everything in your life (including the existence of the kumquat), you start to peel away from thinking about writing.
6. When you finally convince yourself to take a break.
So you leave and decide to watch that other season of "Portlandia" you forgot about.
7. The break.
It's 12:30 a.m., and Netflix finally asked you if you were even paying attention. You weren't. Be honest. Go write and stop being lazy!
8. The dreaded feeling of returning to writing.
But what are you going to write about?
9. Staring at the screen again.
Well for one thing, it's not going to be that horrible glare. How about we just start typing some words and hope for the best.
10. When you finally feel that spark of inspiration.
But wait? You're still going. Keep it up! Who cares if it makes sense? You're writing!
11. Then the words flow like water...
Now its 2 a.m., and your fingers are keyboard warriors ready for any spell check coming their way.