Recently it seems like every time we check Instagram or Twitter they are littered with pictures of people and their ukuleles. If you're like me then all of your friends have learned how to play and admittedly it's pretty neat. So instead of just watching your friends from a distance bond over how great ukuleles are, you decide to get one. And you were right, they are pretty cool.
1. When you realize you might actually want one
You always thought ukuleles were just for boho hipsters, but then you catch yourself wanting one.
2. The moment you check the price
3. So you decide to wait
4.When you do research to decide if you're really going to get a bang for your buck
5. Then you decide to go for it
Yeah it's a lot, and you're probably going to blow some birthday money, but it's totally going to be worth it.
6. When you walk into the store
There is nothing like asking the Guitar Center worker where the ukuleles are
7. Holding your baby for the first time
8. When the realization hits that it's really yours
9. The moment you realize there's more to ukulele than just strumming chords.
What do you mean I have to strum up AND down?!
10. But then finally it starts to make a little sense
It takes a while, but eventually, up strumming is no big deal.