Every college student knows the drill -- slowly but surely, we fall into the terrifying trap of midterms. For some, midterms indicate a definitive end of summer and call sunshine-jaded students back to academic reality. Usually, all midterm exams and paper due dates fall during the same week, leaving many students across the country cramming, stress-eating, and slurping down Starbucks. Here’s to all of you last-minute lamenters, stressed-out students, and nervous Nellies.
1. Its so early! I'll be totally fine.
2. Just got a reminder from my professors that midterms are two weeks away, it's all good.
Two weeks? Psssh. There’s no need to worry! I’ll worry about this next week.
3. I just got my essay prompts and study guides. Sweet.
I know exactly what I need to do to prepare for these exams now. My eye is on the prize. I can clearly see what needs to be done based on my 30 seconds of looking at the materials.
4. Okay, maybe I'll start my paper tonight -- WAIT OHMYGOD YES I HAVE NOTHING TO DO I’M GOING OUT!
Oh, why turn down that invitation to see my friends? I deserve a break. Besides, #FOMO is real.
5. I'm totally going to get outlines done today!
It’s noon on a Saturday. The day is young. I’ll watch some Netflix, then get started on these study guide outlines. I have plenty of time to get things done before going out later.
6. Well, I didn't get anything done but I still have a week!
Oops! I definitely got way too absorbed in that "Top Chef" season three marathon. I mean, I learned a lot about wine pairings and flavor profiles today. You learn a new thing every day, right?
7. *looks at study guide for the second time* I actually know some of this, this will be fine.
Good for me! I remember half of the items on this study guide, which means I don’t need to study that much! This is a manageable amount. I’m sure everything else will make more sense once I get started.
8. Holy shnikes. This is not fine.
Oh, no… I actually don’t understand most of this. I’ve
spent four hours on one chapter of the readings. This is going to take much
longer than I anticipated.
This is bad. This is really bad. How am I going to get everything done? Is there enough time in the day?
10. *walking to exams tripping on the sidewalk because I’m cramming*
My study guide is complete, but have I retained all of
this information? Can my brain explode from too much knowledge being added over
such a short period of time? Is that something I can Google?
11. I did it. I can breathe.
IT’S OVER! I somehow survived this week of academic
torture. Did I just shave some years off my life stressing so much? I
definitely will start studying earlier for finals. Or not…